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Pneumonia, definition of pneumonia, types of pneumonia, clinical manifestation, riks factors, complication of pneumonia, and medical management, (by GS India Nursing)

Definition of pneumonia:- It is an inflammation of lung parenchyma which is associated with market increase interstitial and alveolar fluid. Pneumonia is the inflammation of lungs parenchyma associated with Interstitial and alveolar fluid accumulation.


Clinical manifestation:-

Rics factors:-

Complication of pneumonia:-

Types of Pneumonia:-

Bronchopneumonia:- (Bacterial pneumonia) A type of pneumonia that cause of inflammation in the alveoli.

Lobular Pneumonia:- It is a serious infection in which the air sacs fill with pus and other liquid. Lobular pneumonia affects one or more section (lobes) of the lungs.

Patchy Pneumonia:- Pneumonia is an infection of the air sacs of the lungs that often produces a patchy or opaque appearance X-Ray.

Lobula Pneumonia: in this pneumonia, any whone lobes of the lungs are affected.



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