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Anatomy And Physiology of Male Reproductive System

Anatomy And Physiology of Male Reproductive System

• Male reproductive organs consist of :

• Paired testicles in the scrotum

• Epididymis

• Vas deference ( seminal duct)

• Seminal vesicles

• Penis

• Prostate gland

• Cowper’s gland (bulbourethral gland)

• Ejaculatory ducts

• Among the male reproductive structures only the scrotum and penis are external and other structures are internal.

• Male perineum the area between scrotum and anus.

Penis :

• It is both a sexual organ as well as organ for urination.

• Portion of both penis between its attachment to the public bone and to the head of the penis is known as shaft.

• External opening of the urethra is in the glans and is covered by foreskin or prepuce.

• Penis is homologous to female clitoris

• Penis is flaccid but during the time of erection it becomes rigid because corpora cavernosa fills with blood.

• Following ejaculation blood leaves the penis and it becomes flaccid.

Scrotum and Testes :

•  Scrotum is a double pouch hanging at the base of penis.

•  Scrotal pouch is internally separated I to halves by muscular contractile tissue known as tunica dartos, externally separated into the two halves by raphe (ridge).

•  Seperms are produced at seminiferous tubules and stored in epididymis.

•  Testicles produce male hormone testosterone and sperm.

•  Vase deference is the continuation of epididymis and it continues with the ejaculatory duct and tha conveys semen into urethra.

•  Vas deference is the exactory duct of the testicle, and is the target in vasectomy.

•  Each half of the scrotum contains testicle with its epididymis and part of the spermatic cord is held together by spermatic fascia.


•  They are mature male sex cells.

•  Sperm have self-propelling capacity with the help of flagella.

•  A normal sperm has an oval-shaped flattened head with nucleus, middle piece or protoplasmic neck and a tail.

•  During fertilization, sperm head penetrates the ovum and tail part is lost.

Prostate and Related Structures

• Prostate gland  surrounds male urethra and urinary bladder.

• Adult prostate gland weight 15 to 20 gram and is 4 to 6 cm long.

• Adult prostate gland weight 15-20 gm and is 4-6 cm long

• Posterior surface of the prostate in close contact with rectal wall, and is the surface available for digital examination.

• Portion of urethra that passes through the prostate is known as prostatic urethra.

Male Sexual Devlopment And Function:

• Devlopment of male genitalia requires two hormones.

• Mukerian duct inhibitory factor secreted by seroli cells

• Testosterone secreted by Leydig cells.

• Hypothalamus secretes GNRH which stimulates the pituitary gland to produce LH and FSH.

• LH stimulates leydig cells to produce testosterone.

• Testosterone and FSH stimulate sertoli cells to start and complete spermatogenesis.

• Inhibin released from sertoli cells give negative feedback to the anterior pituitary.

Spermatogenesis :

• Production and maturation of sperm in the seminiferous tubules is known as spermatogenesis.

• This process starts at puberty because of stimuli from anterior pituitary.

• Spermatogonia are the geminal cells and a portion continues to develop as sperm.

• During 24 days, when they are in contact with sertoli cells spermatogonia change and enlarge to from primary spermatocytes.

• Primary spermatocytes. divides and forms two secondary spermatocytes each with half number of chromosomes.

• Secondary spermatocyte undergo the next division after 2-3 days and become four spermatids each with half the number of chromosomes.

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Writer: Vandita Singh, Lucknow

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