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Asthma, Definition of Asthma, Causes and Symptoms, Complications, Diagnosis and Medical Management, (by GS India Nursing).

Asthma of definition:-

A condition in which a Person’s airways become inflamed, narrow and swell and produce extra mucus which makes it difficult to breath.

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of airway caused by allergic response of bronchi resulting in reversible narrowing of airway due to bronchocon-striction ( spasm), congestion and thickening of walls of bronchi and accumulation of mucus. ( Recurrent attack of dyspneoa and wheezing).


Allergies- such as to pollen dust mites, mold animal fur or feathers. Spores Smoke, fumes and pollution. Pet danger or particles of cockroach waste Medicine– particularly anti-inflammatory painkiller like Ibuprofen and aspirin including stress or laughter.


Symptoms of Asthama



Physical Examination:-

Medical management:-

Treatment consists of self care and bronchodilators.

Asthma can usually be managed with rescue inhalers to treat symptoms ( Salbutamol) and controller inhalers that prevent symptoms ( steroid) severe cases May require longer-acting inhalers that keep airways open (formoterol, salmotrol, tiotropium), as well as inhalant steroid.

Four strategies for managing asthma.

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By GS India Nursing………!!

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