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Bihar Staff Nurse Grade A Exams Online Test Series

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1. The newborn should always be kept close to the mother for effective:

2. The First stool of neonate is called:

3. In case of hypoglycemia of newborn, what should be given?

4. The nurse evaluates the adequacy of the neonate's oxygen by monitoring:

5. The baby friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) was launched joint by:

6. The objective of BFHI-

7. All vaccine at Primary Health Center level are stored in:

8. Which one of the following is not a component of nonverbal communication?

9. An absolute contraindication for oral contraceptive Pills is:

10. Most important component of oral contraceptive agent is:

11. In which year, Red Cross Society was formed in India:

12. At the time of peace and disaster the association which is helping more:

13. Which committee was set up to see the general condition of Nurse?

14. Indian Nursing Council" was established in year:

15. Urban Malaria Scheme was launched in:

16. National Leprosy Eradication programme was launched in:

17. The final step in the purification of water on a large scale is:

18. Restoration of ability following disease, illness or injury is termed as:

19. Which of the measures given below is the secondary prevention for tuberculosis?

20. The agent host environment model of health and illness is based on the concept of:,

21. The most common cause of maternal mortality in India is

22. Most common cause of post partun maternal death into India-

23. Maternal common rates are considered within duration of days of delivery:

24. Pea soup is diarrhoea is feature of:

25. Which of these following food disease is caused by protozoa?