Bihar Staff Nurse Grade A Exams Online Test Series Gsindia 3 days ago Welcome to your Online Live Test Series for Nurse's Exams Name Email 1. The newborn should always be kept close to the mother for effective: A. Caring B. Attachment C. Bonding D. Parenting None 2. The First stool of neonate is called: A. Vernix caseosa B. Meconium C. Millennium D. Lanugo None 3. In case of hypoglycemia of newborn, what should be given? A. Juice B. Glucose C. Honey D. Water None 4. The nurse evaluates the adequacy of the neonate's oxygen by monitoring: A. Arterial blood gas levels B. Pulse rate continuously C. Cynosis of hands and feet D. Th bye percentage of oxygen received None 5. The baby friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) was launched joint by: A. UNICEF & FAO B. WHO & Red cross C. UNICEF and WHO D. WHO and UNO None 6. The objective of BFHI- A. To promote growth of baby B. To promote drug therapy C. To promote breastfeeding D. All of the above None 7. All vaccine at Primary Health Center level are stored in: A. Cold boxes B. Deep Freezer C. Walk in Cold Room D. Ice lined refrigerator None 8. Which one of the following is not a component of nonverbal communication? A. Touch B. Language C. Facial expression D. Physical appearance & dress None 9. An absolute contraindication for oral contraceptive Pills is: A. Epilepsy B. Mild hypertension C. Cancer of the breast D. Age over 40 year None 10. Most important component of oral contraceptive agent is: A. Progesterone B. GH C. Thyroxine D. LH None 11. In which year, Red Cross Society was formed in India: A. 1919 B. 1820 C. 1920 D. 1932 None 12. At the time of peace and disaster the association which is helping more: A. SNA B. IRCS C. TNAI D. All of the above None 13. Which committee was set up to see the general condition of Nurse? A. Bhore committee B. Mukharjee committee C. High power committee D. Mudaliar committee None 14. Indian Nursing Council" was established in year: A. 1957 B. 1947 C. 1847 D. 1967 None 15. Urban Malaria Scheme was launched in: A. 1977 B. 1971 C. 1958 D. 1953 None 16. National Leprosy Eradication programme was launched in: A. 1983 B. 1997 C. 1993 D. 1955 None 17. The final step in the purification of water on a large scale is: A. Storage B. Disinfection C. Boiling D. Filtration None 18. Restoration of ability following disease, illness or injury is termed as: A. Illness B. Disability C. Rehabilitation D. Quarantine None 19. Which of the measures given below is the secondary prevention for tuberculosis? A. MDR treatment B. DOTs treatment C. BCG vaccination D. XDR tuberculosis None 20. The agent host environment model of health and illness is based on the concept of:, A. Prognosis B. Rate of exposure C. Stage of illness D. Infectious disease None 21. The most common cause of maternal mortality in India is A. Obstructed labor B. Obstetrics hemorrhage C. Anemia D. Abortion/septicemia None 22. Most common cause of post partun maternal death into India- A. Sepsis B. Hemorrhage C. PPH D. APH None 23. Maternal common rates are considered within duration of days of delivery: A. 21 days B. 42 days C. 30 days D. 14 days None 24. Pea soup is diarrhoea is feature of: A. Typhoid B. Gastritis C. Cholera D. Rotavirus diarrhoea None 25. Which of these following food disease is caused by protozoa? A. Scabies B. Constipation C. Desentry D. Amoebiasis None {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed. The server responded with {{status_text}} (code {{status_code}}). Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. Learn More{{/message}}{{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}It appears your submission was successful. Even though the server responded OK, it is possible the submission was not processed. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. Learn More{{/message}}Submitting… Time's upTime is Up! Bihar Staff Nurse Exams Online Test SeriesDateMarch 27, 2025In relation toNursing BlogStaff Nurse Exams Online Test SeriesDateMarch 18, 2025In relation toNursing BlogBihar Staff Nurse Online Test SeriesDateMarch 25, 2025In relation toNursing Blog Exit mobile version