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Drugs, drugs uses, Steroid drugs, Non-Steroids drugs, Antiemetic drugs, Sedatives drugs, Antihistamine drugs, Brochodilators drugs, Antidiurectics drugs, Analgesic drugs, (by GS India Nursing)

Steroid drugs:

Non-Steroids drugs:

Antiemetic drugs:

Uses for anti Antiemetics drugs- A type of drugs Used from nausea and vomiting.

The examples Antiemetics drugs:

Sedatives drugs:

Used for sedative drugs- A type of drugs used from insomnia, disturb sleep and Anxiety disorder

The examples sedative drugs-

Antihistamine drugs:

Uses of antihistamine drugs- a type of drugs use from allergy and common cold.

The examples antihistamine drugs:

Brochodilators drugs:

Uses of bronchodilators drugs– A type of drugs used for Asthma, dyspnea, and hypoxia.

The examples bronchodilators drugs:

Antidiurectics drugs:

Uses of Antidiurectic drugs-A type of drugs relief for Abdominal distension and urine excretion.

The examples Antidurectics drugs:

Analgesic drugs:

Uses of Analgesic drugs- A type of drugs relief for pain, fever, and Rheumatic athritis pain.

The examples Analgesic drugs:

Antidiabetic drugs:

Uses of Antidiabetic drugs- a type of drugs prevent to control blood glucose level.

The examples Antidiabetic drugs:

Antibiotics drugs:

Uses of Antibiotics drugs- A type of drugs prevent to infection acute and chronic.

The examples Antibiotics drugs:

Antacids drugs:

Uses of Antacids drugs- A type of drugs relief constipation and peptic ulcer, acute gastritis and Heartburn.

The examples antacids drugs:

Common cold drugs:

Uses of common cold drugs-

The examples common cold drugs:

Antispasmodics drugs:

Uses of Antispasmodics drugs- A types of drugs prevent impulses from the parasympathetic nervous system from reaching smooth muscles.

The examples Antispasmodics drugs:

Laxative and purgative drugs:

Uses of laxative and purgative drugs- it is a type of drug that is used to softening the stool and easily pass out. It prevents to constipation.

The examples laxative and purgative drugs:

Antipyretics drugs:

Uses of Antipyretics drugs- A type of drugs reduce body temperature in fever.

The examples Antipyretics drugs:

Antihypertensive drugs:

Uses of antihypertensive drugs- A type of drugs used to treat high blood pressure.

The examples Antihypertensive drugs:

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