ADS = Anti Diphtheria Serum,
ANC = Anti Natal Clinic, Ante Natal Care,
ABER = Annual Blood Examination Rate,
AWW = Anganwadi worker,
ANM = Auxiliary Nurse Midwife,
ANP = Applied Nutrition Programme,
APH = Anti Partum Haemorrhage,
ART = Acute Respiratory Incidence,
ASV = Anti Snake Venom,
ATS = Anti Tetanus Serum,
AHM = Auxiliary Health Management.
AHM = Academy for Healthcare Management.
BBT = Basal Body Temperature,
BCG = Bacilli Calmette Guerin,
BDO = Block Development Officer,
BHS = Basic Health Services,
BMI = Body Mass Index,
BMR = Basal Metabolic Rate,
BSE = Breast self Examination,
CARE = Co-operative for Assistance and relief everywhere,
CDR = Crude Death Rate,
CBR = Crude Birth Rate,
CCH = Central Council of Health,
CCU = Critical Care Unit,
CD = Communicable Disease,
CGHS = Central Government Health scheme,
CHC = Community Health Centre,
CHO = Community Health Officer,
CHW = community Health Worker,
CMR = Child Mortality Rate,
CPCB = Central Pollution Control Board,
CSIR = Council of Scientific and Industrial Research,
DDT = Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane,
DGHS = Director General of Health Services,
DHF = Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever,
DHS = Director of Health Services,
DMPA = Depot Medroxy Progesterone Acetate,
DNR = Doctor Nurse Ratio,
DDHN = District Public Health Nurse,
DPT = Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus (vaccine),
DTC = District Training Centre,
EDD = Expected Date of Delivery,
EAA = Essential Amino Acid,
EFA = Essential Fatty Acid,
ELISA = Enzyme linked immuno sorbant assay,
EPI = Expanded Programme on Immunization,
ESI = Employee State Insurance,
FAO = Food and agriculture organisation,
FBD = Food Borne Diseases,
FHA = Female Health Assistant,
FHW = Female Health Worker,
FP = Family Planning,
FPAI = Family Planning Association of India,
FWS = Family Welfare Services,
GFR = General Fertility Rate,
GMFR = General Marital Fertility Rate,
GMR = General Marriage Rate,
GRR = Gross Reproduction Rate,
HAF = Health Assistant Female,
HBIG = Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin,
HDCV = Human Diploid Cell Vaccine,
HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus,
IBD = Insect Born Disease,
ICD = International Classification of Diseases,
ICDS = Integrated Children Development Services,
ICMR = International Council of Medical Research,
ICN = International Council of Nurses,
IDD = Iodine Deficiency Disorder,
IEC = Information, Education and Communication,
ICU = Intensive Care Unit,
ILO = International Labour Organization,
IMA = Indian Medical Association,
IMR = Infant Mortality Rate,
INC = Indian Nursing council,
IPV = Inactivated Polio Vaccine,
IQ = Intelligence Quotient,
IRDP = Integrated Rural Development programme,
IS = Immunization Schedule,
IU = International Unit,
IUCD = Intra Uterine Contraceptive Devices,
JE = Japanese Encephalitis,
JD = Juvenile Delinquency,
LBW = Low Birth Weight,
LEP = Leprosy Eradication Programme,
LHV = Lady Health Visitor,
LR = Literacy Rate,
MBD = Mosquito Born Diseases,
MCH = Maternal and Child Health,
MDMP = Mid Day Meal Programme,
MDSM = Mid Day School Meal,
MHS = Maternal Health Services,
MLC = Medico Legal Case,
MMR = Maternal Mortality Rate, Measles, Mumps, Rubella,
MNP = Minimum Need Programme,
MR = Mental Retardation,
MTP = Medical Termination of Pregnancy,
NAB = National Association of Blind,
NACO = National AIDS Control Organisation,
NEERI = National Engeenering and Environmental Research Institute,
NWSP = National Water Sanitation programme,
NPP = National Population Policy,
NMEP = National Malaria Eradication Programme,
NID = National Immunization Day,
NHS = National Health Services,
NHP = National Health Policy,
NGO = Non Governmental Organization,
NGCP = National Goitre Control programme,
NFCP = National Filaria Control Programme,
NIHFW = National Institute of Health and Family Welfare,
OPV = oral polio vaccine,
ORS = oral rehydration solution,
ORT = oral rehydration therapy,
PSM = preventive and social medicine,
PPH = post partum Haemorrhage,
PNMR = post natal mortality rate,
PNC = post natal care,
PHN = Public Health nurse,
PHC = Primary Health Centre,
PEM = protein energy malnutrition,
PCM = protein calorie malnutrition,
PCI = per capital income,
PBR = population bed ratio,
RHS = Rural Health Scheme,
RFWC = rural Family Welfare centre,
RBR = rural birth rate,
STD = sexually transmitted disease,
SARS = Severe acute respiratory syndrome,
SDR = specific death rate,
SFP = supplementary feeding programme,
SNA = student nursing Association,
TFR = total fertility rate,
TIG = tetanus immunoglobulin,
TPP = twenty point programme,
T.T. = tetanus toxoid,
TNAI = trained nurses Association of India,
USAID = United State agency for international development,
UNICEF = United Nations International children emergency fund,
UNDP = United Nations development programme,
UIP = Universal immunization programme,
UFWC = urban Family Welfare centre,
UCI = Universal child immunization,
VBT = Vector Borne transmission,
VHW= voluntary health worker,
VD = venereal disease,
VDRL = venereal disease research laboratory,
VHAI = voluntary health Association of India,
VHGS = village health guide scheme,
WBC = well baby clinic,
WBD = water borne diseases,
WHO = World Health Organization,
WHD = World Health Day,
WWF = world wide fund,
CDP = community development programme,
NMCP = National Malaria Control Programme,
FPP = family planning programme,
NLCP = National leprosy Control Programme,
NFCP = National Filaria Control Programme,
NMEP = National Malaria eradication programme,
NSEP = National smallpox eradication programme,
SHP = School Health Programme,
ANP = applied nutrition programme,
ICDS = Integrated child development scheme,
RHS = Rural Health Scheme,
NIEP = National leprosy eradication programme,
UIP = Universal immunization programme,
NACP = national AIDS control programme,
CSSM = child survival and safe motherhood,
PPI = pulse polio immunization,
RCH = reproductive child health.
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