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Neonatal Jaundice/ Icterus Neonatrum, Hyperbilirubinemia, Types & Causes, Assessment and Management, (by GS India Nursing).

Definition:- Jaundice as defined as yellowish discoloration of (first face), skin, mucus membrane, sclera, and nails, beds due to increase level of bilirubin in blood.

Jaundice of three types:-

1. Hemolytic/ prehepatic:- Due to excess destruction of red blood cells.

2. Hepatic jaundice:- (Liver problems) Hepatic jaundice happens when your liver tissues is scarred ( knows as cirrhosis) damage aur dysfunctional.

3. Post hepatic/ obstructive jaundice:- (Excretion problem) Post hepatic obstructive jaundice, happens when Bilirubin can’t be drained properly into the bile ducts aur digestive tract because of a blockage.

Causes of Jaundice:-

In pediatric, jaundice is two type:-

1. Physiological jaundice (95% cases) in most common.


2. Pathological jaundice (seen in 5% case) caused by disease condition

Causes:- Excessive destruction of RBC due to.

Neonatal Jaundice Types (Pathological & Physiological Jaundice)

Hemolytic disease of newborn:-



Phototherapy:- Treatment by exposure to baby under light.

Nurses Responsibility during Phototherapy:-

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By GS India Nursing………..!!

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