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Online MCQ Test For Staff Nurse, ANM, GNM, CHO

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To forward bending of the uterus in relation to the vagina is called:

Following is the function of fallopian tube:

Which of the following is the common site of fertilization?

What is the duration of Lochia serosa?

The normal uterus weights___________gms

Major complication in 3rd stage of labour is?

Ovulation occurs

Which of the following lochia findings is expected during first 24 hours post delivery?

Accumulation of excess fluid in the intestinal space is called:

Postmortem hemorrhage is loss of blood which is more than?

Vaginal hysterectomy is done for?

Lochia is a vaginal discharge for first fortnight during period which originates from-

The condition where the uterus turn inside out is called?

If the labour ends within 3 hours with 2-3 painful contractions it is called?

Postpartum vaginal discharge containing blood, mucus and placentale tissue known as?

Win the combined duration of first and second stage of labour is less than 2 hours the condition is called?

The Harmone that stimulate release of bile into duodenum is:

What is the care taken after the birth of a child is called?

Discharge of lochia occurs during-

Empyema means................