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After preparation measles vaccine should be used

The drugs administrated to promote uterine contractions are-

The immunity an individual develops after acquiring an infection is called-

Major factors influencing an individual blood pressure are all except-

Oral vaccine used to prevent :

Medication appropriate to treat an acute anginal attack (तीव्र गण्डमाला हमले) is-

Type of MMR vaccine

The most preferred site of administrated of intramuscular injection in children under one year is-

A type of fracture in which one fragment of the bone goes into another is called-

Which of the following vaccine is routinely given in pregnancy:

The ideal position to provide mouth care for an unconscious patient is -

Movement of hands towards midline of the body is called?

Sign and symptoms of asthama include all except-

Minimum internal between the two does of tetanus toxoid injection for a pregnant woman should be:

Drug used to treat hyperkalemia is-

The purine found in RNA and DNA is:

Protein synthesis is a function of:

The genetic material deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is contained in:

Congenital absence or closure of a normal body orifice or tubular organ is called;-

The protein present in mucus is...............