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Railway RRB Nursing Superintendent Exams Online Test Series

Welcome to your Online Live Test Series For Nurse's Exams

1. RL contains:

2. Which gauge diameter of needle is used for intradermal injection?

3. Site of pulse use for routine assessment of vital signs in the adult?

4. Fever with relative bradycardia is seen in-

5. Heimlich maneuver is used for:

6. Examination with the help of stethoscope is called:

7. The purpose of deep palpation is to assess:

8. Vaginal hysterectomy is done for:

9. Ripeness of cervix is assessed by:

10. Which one of the following is used to record the labour events?

11. During which stages of labour would the nurse assess "crowing"?

12. Rupture of tubal ectopic pregnancy is treated is treated surgically by:

13. A woman who has given birth five times or more is called:

14. Blighted ovum means:

15. Total number of cases pertaining to any disease existing in a community at a given time is known as:

16. Constant presence of a disease or infection within a given geographic area is called:

17. The route used for Mantoux testing is:

18. Intraocular pressure (IOP) is measured with an instrument called:

19. Which of the following is secreted through lachrymal gland?

20. Which of the following condition is manifested/associated by increased IOP?

21. Common cause of blindness in India is:

22. Strabismus also known as -

23. Which is the normal intraocular pressure

24. The normal intraocular pressure is:

25. Parkinson's disease is caused by deficiency of which of the following neurotransmitter-