Q 1. For how long does Copper – T 380-A provide contraceptive protection to a woman?(कॉपर – T 380-A एक महिला को कितने समय के लिए कॉन्ट्रासेप्टिव प्रोटेक्शन प्रदान करती है?)
A. 6 year
B. 10 year
C. 5 year
D. 3 year
Q 2. What is the most similar position of the uterus? (गर्भाशय की सबसे समान स्थिति है?)
A. Inverted
B. Retroverted
C. Anteverted
D. Midposition
Q 3. Which of the following is also known as “Mask of Pregnancy”? (निम्न में से किसको “मास्क ऑफ प्रेगनेंसी” भी कहा जाता है?)
A. Linea nigra
B. Melasma
C. Linea Alba
D. Striae Gravidarum
Q 4. What is the maximum diameter of the head of the baby coming in inlet to the pelvis called?(शिशु के सिर का अधिकतम व्यास का पेल्विस की इनलेट में आ जाना क्या कहलाता है?)
A. Lightening
B. Engagement
C. Effacement
D. Quickening
Q 5. What are the dark stripes found from the xiphisternum to the symphyusis called?(सिफिस्तरनाम (xiphisternum) से सिमफियूसिस (symphyusis) तक पाई जाने वाली गहरी धारियों को क्या कहते हैं?)
A. Linea Alba
B. Linea Nigra
C. Melasma
D. Striae Gravidarum
Q 6. The baby should be given belching during breastfeeding ,it is called- (स्तनपान के दौरान शिशु को डकार दिलानी चाहिए ,यह कहलाता है,)
A. Charming
B. Burping
C. Breastfeeding
D. Sucking
Q 7. How many times a day should a newborn be fed?(नवजात शिशु को दिन में कितनी बार दूध पिलाना चाहिए?)
A. 18 – 24 bar
B. 4 – 6 bar
C. 1 – 2 bar
D. 8 – 12 bar
Q 8.What is the difference between the size of the head and the chest of a newborn baby?( नवजात शिशु के सिर एवं वछ (चेस्ट)के परिमाप में कितना अंतर होता है?)
A. 5cm
B. 3 cm
C. 1cm
D. 8cm
Q 9. The age of the sucking reflex is about to disappear,(सकिंग रिफ्लेक्स लुप्त होने की लगभग आयु है,)
A. After 9 month
B. After 6 month
C. After 3 month
D. After 12 month
Q 10. Which form of sugar helps in the development of the baby’s brain?(शर्करा का कौन सा रूप शिशु के मस्तिष्क के विकास में सहायक होता है?)
A. Galactose
B. Glucose
C. Lactose
D. Fructose
👉 Ans the above 👆 questions below 👇
Ans. 1. B. 10 year ,
Ans. 2. C. Anteverted,
Ans. 3. B. Melasma,
Ans. 4. B. Engagement,
Ans. 5. B. Linea Nigra,
Ans. 6. B. Burping,
Ans. 7. D. 8 – 12 bar,
Ans. 8. B. 3 cm,
Ans. 9.B. After 6 month,
Ans. 10. A. Galactose ,
👉Some explanation,
Galactose ,
What is the function of galactose?
Galactose is a simple sugar that is normally transformed in the liver before being used up as energy. This sugar is quite abundant in human diets and helps in a number of functions. Because galactose is a precursor to glucose production, it is an important energy-providing nutrient.
Burping,Excess wind in the stomach or upper intestine released from the mouth, also known as burping or belching.
What does it mean if your burping a lot?
Excessive burping is often due to the foods and drinks that a person consumes. It can also result from behavioral conditions, such as aerophagia and supragastric belching, or issues relating to the digestive tract, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Linea Nigra,
Linea nigra is a physiological form of hyperpigmentation commonly seen in the first trimester of pregnancy [1–3]. It is a dark vertical line that runs down the middle of the abdomen and it can be one of the earliest indicators of pregnancy [1,3]. It is also known as the ‘pregnancy line’.
A condition in which brown patches appear on the face.
Melasma can be due to hormonal changes during pregnancy or from sun exposure. Women are much more likely than men to develop this condition.
It means the uterus, or womb, is tilted towards the front of the abdomen. It usually has no impact on the body or a person’s ability to get pregnant. An anteverted uterus is a natural variation, much like having a certain eye color. A person’s uterus can also be tilted backward.