Cholera – an acute infectious disease characterized by severe in intestinal disturbances.
Cholinergic – relating to the basic compound choline which is essential to the function of liver.
Congestion – the presence of an abnormal amount of blood in the vessels of a part.
Congestive heart failure – inability of heart to maintain cardiac output.
Candidiasis – disease or infection caused by candida species.
Conjuctiva – the delicate transparent membrane which lines the inner surface of the eyelids.
Conjunctivities – inflammation of the conjunctive tissues.
Constipation – a condition in which the bowels are opened incompletely or with difficulty.
Carcinoma – a malignant new growth derived from epithelial and glandular tissue, cancer.
Cardioversion – the condition of heart being turned or placed away from its normal position.
Cheilosis – and eczematous condition of the lips developed due to deficiency of Vitamin B complex in diet.
Chemotherapy – use of chemical agent to arrest the progress of disease in the body, drugs used in bacterial disease including cancer.
Chlamydial infection – infection due to a genus of microorganism responsible for non-specific urethritis , ornithosis, psittacosis and trachoma.
Convulsion – rapidly alternating contractions and relaxation of the muscles violent agitation or disturbance, a violent spasm.
Cytotoxic – any substance which is toxic to cells. Generally applied to anticancer agents, destructive to cell.
Cyanosis – a condition of blueness seen particularly about the face and extremities and the blood is not properly oxygenated in the lungs.
Cushing’s disease – disorder due to elevated levels of Plasma corticoids.
Cough – a sudden indrawing of air with glottis wide open.
Corneal – relating to the clear membrane in front of the eye through which light Passes to it.
Dysuria – difficulty or pain in urination.
Dyspnoea – difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath.
Dysphagia – difficulty in swallowing.
Dyspepsia – indigestion.
Dysmenorrhoea – painful menstruation.
Dysfunction – abnormal functioning of any organ or part.
Debilitate – to produce weakness of tonicity in functions or organs of body.
Decongestant – relief of congestion.
Dementia – a general mental deterioration due to organic or psychological factors.
Depression – mental depression, a psychiatric state representing diminution of activity.
Drowsiness – sleepy condition.
Dysentery – an infectious disease with a local lesion in the form of inflammation and ulceration of lower portion of the bowels, frequent watery stool often with blood and mucus.
Dermatologic – relating to the science of the skin and its diseases.
Dermatophyte – a fungus pathogenic for the skin, a fungal parasite which grows in or on the skin.
Dermatoses – any disease of the skin.
Dermatitis – inflammation of the skin.
Diabetes insipidus – excessive urination caused by inadequate secretion of vasopressin, the antidiuretic hormone.
Diabetes mellitus – a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism. characterized by excess sugar in blood and passage of sugar in urine resulting from inadequate production or utilization of insulin.
Diarrhoea – looseness of bowels, abnormal frequent loosened discharge from the bowels.
Diastolic blood pressure – the point of least pressure in the arterial vascular system.
Dilatation – expansion of an organ, orifice or vessel.
Dizziness – a sensation of whirling or feeling tendency to fall.
Diuretic – promoting the excretion of urine, an agent that increases the amount of urine.
Diuresis – excretion of urine in large volumes.
Distension – swelling, dilation, expansion.
Disinfectant – the process of rendering harmless persons. articles, rooms, etc, which are liable to communicable diseases.
Diplopia – double vision.
Diphtheria – an acute infectious disease accompanied by a membranous exudation on a mucous surface, generally on the tonsils and back of the throat.
Enterococcus – a streptococcus usually found in the intestine.
Endoscopy – examination of the interior of a Canal or hollow viscus.
Endometrium – the mucous membrane comprising the inner layer of the uterine wall.
Eclampsia – convulsions arising in pregnancy.
Effusion – escape of fluid into a part.
Electrolytic – retating to electrolysis or a substance whose solutions are capable of conducting electric current.
Embolism – plugging of a small blood vessel by a transported clot, vegetation, bacteria or other foreign material.
Embolus – an abnormal particle circulating in the blood stream, as an air bubble or blood clot.
Emergence reactions – reaction rising out from a fluid or other surrounding substances.
Emphysema – the presence of air in the the interstices of the connective tissues of a part.
Endocarditis – inflammation of the smooth membrane lining the heart.
Endogenous – originating or produced within the organism or one of its parts.
Endometriosis – a condition in which the cells lining the interior of the uterus is found in other parts of the body.
Extremity – the extreme or terminal point.
Extrasystoles – premature contraction of one or more of the Chambers of the heart.
Extrapyramidal – outside of the pyramidal tracts.
Extrapulmonary – outside of the Pulmonary vein. Applied to other descending motor Pathways.
Extracellular – outside of a cell or cells.
Exophthalamos – protrusion of the eyeballs.
Exoerythrocytic – outside of erythrocytes.
Exocrine – secretion of glands reaching and epithelial surface either directly or through duct.
Euphorbia – a feeling of well – being.
Eunuchoidism – a state in which testes fail to function.
Erythrocytic – relating to red blood carpuscles.
Erythem – reddening of the skin.
Erysipelias – a disease characterized by diffuse inflammation of the skin, or of sub- cutaneous cellular tissue, attendant with fever.
Episode – parenthetic addition, an incident in the course of a series of events.
Epileptic seizure – a nervous attack characterized by sudden loss of consciousness, attendant with convulsions.
Epilepsy – a disease of the brain due to abnormal electrical discharge.
Epigastric – the abdominal region lying directly over the stomach.
Eosinophillia – increased eosinophils in the blood.
Enuresis – involuntary passage of urine, usually occurring at night or during sleep.
Enterohepatic – relating to infections, often fatal, disease affecting the intestines and liver of various wild birds, turkeys and chicken.
I hope that you liked these medical terminologies.
Thanking you!!