Primordial Prevention, Primary level of prevention, Secondary level of prevention, Tertiary Prevention, Specific Prevention with examples

In this article we will understand about all types of prevention related to medical science like primary prevention, secondary prevention, tertiary prevention and specific prevention etc.

Primordial Prevention

Primordial prevention includes improving sanitation (so that exposure to infectious agents does not occur), establishing healthy communities, promoting a healthy lifestyle in childhood. Primordial level is the best level of prevention for non-communicable diseases.
•Prevention of bad food habits and to prevent smoking and alcoholism. Target for primordial prevention: Early Prevention goals in childhood includes preventing and reducing childhood obesity, achieving an optimal diet that includes avoiding excessive salt consumption, & removing barriers to physical activity & healthy sleep throughout childhood.

Example’s primordial level of prevention-
•Childhood obesity prevention is the example of- primordial prevention.
•Prevention of emergence of risk factor is a- primordial prevention.

Primary Prevention (प्राथमिक रोकथाम)

Primary prevention includes those measures that prevent the onset of illness before the disease process begins. Primary level of prevention is applied when risk factors are present but disease has not yet taken place.

**Mode of Intervention is- Health promotion

Example- Health education, lifestyle modification & behavioural changes, environmental modifications, water purification, hand washing etc.

Primary level of Prevention Examples:
• Quarantine is the level of primary Prevention.
• Health promotion is the prevention of primary.
• Action taken prior to onset of disease is primary Prevention.
• Immunize a child for measles is Primary Prevention (Specific prevention).
• Vaccination or Immunization is Primary Prevention.
• Contraception is a Primary Prevention.
• Level of prevention that includes specific protection- Primary level of Prevention.

Secondary Prevention (द्वितीयक रोकथाम)

Secondary level of prevention: It is an early diagnosis and treatment including surgical procedures.

Secondary prevention relate words are given below-
• Screenings
• Case finding
• Diagnosis
• Early intervention
• Period health examination

Secondary prevention includes those measures that lead to early diagnosis and prompt treatment of a disease.

Screening to identify diseases in the earliest. stages, before the onset of signs and symptoms, through measures such. as mammography and regular blood pressure testing.

•National health programs by the government of India mostly operates at a secondary level of prevention.

-Secondary level of Prevention Examples:
•Isolation is the level of secondary prevention.

Secondary level of prevention: It is an early diagnosis and treatment including surgical procedures.

Secondary prevention relate words are given below-
• Screenings
• Case finding
• Diagnosis
• Early intervention
• Period health examination

Secondary prevention includes those measures that lead to early diagnosis and prompt treatment of a disease.

Screening to identify diseases in the earliest. stages, before the onset of signs and symptoms, through measures such. as mammography and regular blood pressure testing.

•National health programs by the government of India mostly operates at a secondary level of prevention.

-Secondary level of Prevention Examples:
•Isolation is the level of secondary prevention.

Tertiary Prevention (तृतीयक रोकथाम)

Tertiary level of prevention- Attempts to eliminate or Mederate disease. (Or)
-Reduce the longer term impact of harm and reduce the chance of recurring harm to a child who has already suffered abuse, violence, neglect & Exploitation etc.

Tertiary level of Prevention Examples:

•Disability limitation and rehabilitation.

Specific Protection

Specific protection refers to precise actions taken to protect against the development of particular disease conditions, and includes chemoprophylaxis (Dapson for Leprosy, Tetracycline for cholera, Chloroquine for malaria), & uses of specific nutrients vitamin A for children, Iron Folic Acid tablet for pregnant mothers etc. Protection from air pollution, Protection against occupation hazards are specific protection.

Specific protection example is given below:
•Vitamin A prophylaxis to a child is the example of specific Protection.

Thanking You!!

By GS India Nursing Academy

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