Definition of diarrhea:- Passage of loose liquid of watery stool more than 3 times in day is called diarrhea. Consistency and characteristic of stool is more important, than number.
- Bacterial– E. Coli, shigella, V. Cholera, Salmonella typhi.
- Viral infectious cause– Rotavirus ( main cause in children.
- Fungal and parasites infection– Malaria, Rotavirus, is a man cause of diarrhea (Gastroenteritis, is transmitted via nosocomial or Hospital acquired), (3-24 month child at high risk). After 3 month due to maternal antibody in baby.
Non infection causes:-
- Indigestion.
- Over feeding.
- Any congenital problem.
Acute watery diarrhea– last severe hours or days and includes cholera.
Acute bloody diarrhea– also called dysentery.
Persistent diarrhea– Last 14 days or longer.
Clinical types:-
1. Blood– diarrhoea– mucus– dysentery. 2. Rice Water diarrhoea– vibrio cholera. 3. Pea of stool– typhoid.
Assessment and Symptoms:-
- Metabolic acidosis.
- Electrolyte imbalance.
- Hypokalemia.
- Abdominal cramps and pain, due to electrolytes disturbance.
- Sunken fontanel.
- Poor skin turgor (adult) abdominal site
- Pinch test positive.
- Oliguria.
- Increase specific gravity of urine.
- Dehydration ( fluid and electrolytes disturbance).
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Blood in the stool.
- Mucus in the stool.
- Urgent need to have a bowel movement.
- Blood test.
- Stool test.
- Hydrogen breath test.
- Flexible sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy.
- Upper endoscopy.
- Fever.
- Blood.
- Severe abdominal pain.
- Weight loss.
- Dehydration.
- Vomiting
- Electrolyte imbalance.
Replacing lost fluids with an ( ORS ),oral rehydration solution, may help to prevent dehydration. Anti diarrheal drugs such as loperamide may also help.
Drinking plenty of water and other electrolytes balanced fluid ( like diluted and pulp- fruit juices, broths sports drinks ( Gatorade) and caffein free sodas).
- Changing your diet.
- Cutting back your caffein.
- Avoid spicy foods and drinks that give you gas.
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Thanking you…….!!
By GS India Nursing……….!!