Pre-Eclampsia, Pre-Eclampsia Definition, Causes and Symptoms, Diagnosis & Complications, Treatment & Prevention, (by GS India Nursing).

Pre-Eclampsia is a multisystem disorder which is characterised by development of hypertension up to 140/90 mmHg or more with proteinuria after 20th week in pregnancy in a previously normotensive and proteinaric patient. … Continue readingPre-Eclampsia, Pre-Eclampsia Definition, Causes and Symptoms, Diagnosis & Complications, Treatment & Prevention, (by GS India Nursing).

Cardiac arrest, Definition of Cardiac arrest, Causes and Symptoms, Diagnosis & Complications, Management, (By GS India Nursing).

Definition:- Sudden, unexpected loss of heart function, breathing and consciousness. (OR). It is defined as the cessation of effective pumping action of heart. Which commonly occurs when the muscles fibres of ventricles start to beat rapidly without any blood ( ventricle fibrillation ) or when the heart stop beating completely (asystole). … Continue readingCardiac arrest, Definition of Cardiac arrest, Causes and Symptoms, Diagnosis & Complications, Management, (By GS India Nursing).