Nursing Officers SGPGI Exams, RML, DSSSB, ESIC UPSC Nursing Officers Exams MCQ Test Series (by GS India Academy)

Q1. One of the complication of hypermesis 
gravidarum is:
A. Low blood pressure
B. Korsakoff’s psychosis
C. Dehydration
D. Increased vomiting

Q2. Premature separation of normally situated
placenta is called:
A. Placental increata
B. Abruptio placenta
C. Placenta previa
D. Placenta accreta

Q3. During labour HIV testing in emergency
(pregnancy test not done) to be done by:
A. Coomb’s test
B. Western blot
D. Single rapid test

Q4. Greenish yellow colour of amniotic fluid indicates:
B. Post maturity
C. Foetal distress
D. Rh incompatibility

Q5. History that includes a menstrual obstetrics
and gynecologic history is called:
A. Reproductive history
B. Genetic history
C. Family history
D. Sexual history

Q6. The immunoglobin that can cross the
placenta and it transferred the mother’s
immunity to the developed fetus is:
A. Immunoglobin A
B. Immunoglobin G
C. Immunoglobin D
D. Immunoglobin D

Q7. The umbilical cord contains:
A. Two arteries and two veins
B. Two arteries and one vein
C. One artery and two veins
D. One artery and one vein

Q8. The volume of amniotic fluid at term is:
A. 600 to 800 ml
B. 300 to 500 ml
C. 100 to 200 ml
D. 50 to 100 ml

Q9. Onset of puberty before the age of 8 years
in girls is called:
A. Delayed puberty
B. Menarche
C. Precocious puberty
D. Thelarche

Q10. The first fetal movement felt by the
pregnant mother is termed as:
A. Lightening
B. Quickening
C. Braxton Hick’s contraction
D. Startling movement

Q11. In Vitro- fertilization (IVF) is indicated in:
A. Tubal block
B. Azoospermia
C. Uterine anomalies
D. Anovulatory cycles

Q12. In pelvic organ prolapsed laxity of lower
  third of anterior vaginal wall result in:
A. Rectocele
B. Urethrocele
C. Cystocele
D. Enterocele

Q13. Haase’s rule is used for measuring:
A. Fetal circulation
B. Fetal weight
C. Fetal length
D. Amniotic fluid quantity

Q14. It is uterine contraction felt by during
bimanual examination:
A. Chadwick sign
B. Palmer’s sign
C. Osiander’s sign
D. Hegar’s sign

Q15. Irregular acyclic bleeding from the uterus:
A. Metrorrhagia
B. Hypomenorrhoea
C. Dysmenorrhea
D. Polymenorrhoea

Note:: The answers to the above MCQ questions are given below:

Q1.Ans.*C. Dehydration// निर्जलीकरण

**Note::Complications of Hyperemesis Gravidarum–The main risks to women with hyperemesis gravidarum are dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and weight loss. Women with prolonged hyperemesis gravidarum are at greater risk for preterm birth, preeclampsia, and eclampsia.

Q2.Ans.**B. Abruptio placenta

**Note::Placental abruption occurs when
the placenta separates from the inner wall
of the uterus before birth. Placental
abruption can deprive the baby of oxygen
and nutrients and cause heavy bleeding in
the mother.

Q3.Ans.*D. Single rapid test

** If HIV a single rapid test during delivery is used to check for HIV during delivery if it has not been tested before.

Q4.Ans.**C. Foetal distress

Q5.Ans.**A. Reproductive history
**Gynaecological history

**Reproductive history mean::The concept
usually includes the number and timing of
pregnancies and their outcomes, the
incidence of breast feeding, and may
include age of menarche and menopause,
regularity of menstruation, fertility,
gynecological or obstetric problems, or
contraceptive usage.

Q6.Ans.**B. Immunoglobin G

**Immunoglobulin G (IgG), although it has a high molecular weight, is the only class of immunoglobulins able to cross the placenta and to reach the fetal circulation.

Q7.Ans.**B. Two arteries and one vein//

Q8.Ans.**A. 600 to 800 ml

Q9.Ans.**C. Precocious puberty

**Precocious puberty is the development of secondary sexual characteristics before 8 years of age in girls and 9 years in boys.

Q10.Ans.**B. Quickening

Q11.Ans.**A. Tubal block

**IVF is done to help a woman become  pregnant. It is used to treat many causes of infertility, including: Advanced age of the woman (advanced maternal age)  Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes (can
be caused by pelvic inflammatory disease
or prior reproductive surgery).

**IVF is the treatment of choice for a wide
variety of infertility cases. Female partners who have blocked, damaged, or missing fallopian tubes, and male partners who have severe sperm abnormalities are ideal candidates for this treatment.

**IVF is the only treatment when infertility is due to blocked fallopian tubes or severe male factor infertility.

Q12.Ans.**B. Urethrocele

Q13.Ans.**C. Fetal length

**Rule of Haase Hess’s rule (Haase’s rule) :  It is a rough method for calculating the age of fetus by measuring the length from  crown to heel.

Q14.Ans.**B. Palmer’s sign

**The Palmer’s sign is a regular rhythmic  contraction felt during bimanual examination.

Q15.Ans. **A. Metrorrhagia

**Uterine bleeding at irregular intervals,
particularly between the expected
  menstrual period is called as metrorrhagia.

Note:: Menorrhagia is heavy or prolonged
menstrual bleeding. It is a common problem in women.
**Some women have menstrual bleeding
that is heavy or lasts for more than a few days.

Thanking you!!

I hope that you liked this article related to Nursing MCQ.

Writer:: Vandita Singh!!

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