👉 Let us see some of the questions asked in Nursing exams, in short form and in alternate form
Q 1. Pellagra disease is caused due to deficiency of which of the following vitamin? (पेलेग्रा रोग निम्न में से किस विटामिन की कमी के कारण हो जाता है?)
A. Vitamin B6
B. Vitamin B12
C. Vitamin B2
D. Vitamin B3
Q 2. Which of the following is a genetic disease? (निम्न में से कौन सा एक आनुवांशिक रोग है?)
A. Measles
B. Pertussis
C. Cancer
D. Colour blindness
Q 3. Which of the following is called the master gland? (मास्टर ग्रंथि निम्न में से किसे कहा जाता है?)
A. Pancreas
B. Adrenal gland
C. Pituitary gland
D. Thyroid gland
Q 4. From which gland is the fight or flight hormone secreted? (उड़ो या लड़ो हार्मोन किस ग्रंथि से स्रावित होता है?)
A. Adrenal gland
B. Thyroid gland
C. Pancreas
D. Pituitary gland
Q 5. Which of the following is called pregnancy hormone?(निम्न में से गर्भावस्था हार्मोन किसे कहा जाता है?)
A. Testoestron
B. Estrogen hormone
C. Progesterone
D. Thyroxin hormone
Q 6. Which hormone is responsible for labor contractions?(प्रसव के संकुचन के लिए कौन सा हार्मोन जिम्मेदार है?)
A. Oxytocin
B. Progesterone
C. Estrogen hormone
D. Prolactin
Q 7. Osteomalacia disease occurs due to deficiency of which vitamin in adults?(ओस्टियोमलेशिया रोग वयस्को में किस विटामिन की कमी के कारण हो जाता है?)
A. Vitamin D
B. Vitamin K
C. Vitamin B
D. Vitamin C
Q 8. Who among the following is known as Folacin?(निम्न में से फोलासिन के नाम से किसे जाना जाता है?)
A. Vitamin B6
B. Vitamin B12
C. Vitamin B9
D. Vitamin B7
Q 9. Deficiency of protein and calories in children causes which disease?(बच्चों में प्रोटीन और कैलोरी की कमी से कौन सा रोग हो जाता है?)
A. Marasmus
B. Kwashiorkor
C. Keretomleshiya
D. Animiya
Q 10. Which disease is caused by deficiency of protein in children?(बच्चों में प्रोटीन की कमी से कौन सा रोग हो जाता है? )
A. Hemophiliya
B. Animiya
C. Kwashiorkor
D. Marasmus
👉The answers to the above given optional questions are given below,
Ans 1. D. Vitamin B3,
Ans 2. D. Colour blindness,
Ans 3. C. Pituitary gland,
Ans 4. A. Adrenal gland,
Ans 5. C. Progesterone,
Ans 6. A. Oxytocin ,
Ans 7. A. Vitamin D,
Ans 8. C. Vitamin B9,
Ans 9. A. Marasmus,
Ans 10. C. Kwashiorkor,
👉Some Explanation,
Pellagra disease,Pellagra is a disease that occurs when a person does not get enough niacin (one of the B complex vitamins) or tryptophan (an amino acid).
Niacin, another term for nicotinic acid, was introduced to avoid confusion with the alkaloid nicotine. Dietary deficiency of nicotinic acid produces pellagra (from the Italianpelle agra, meaning “rough skin”). Pellagra classically occurs in populations who consume primarily corn.
genetic disease,An inherited medical condition caused by a DNA abnormality.
A genetic disorder is an illness caused by changes in a person’s DNA.
Colour blindness,A reduced ability to distinguish between certain colours.
The condition is often inherited. Other causes include certain eye diseases and medication. More men than women are affected.
Pituitary gland,a small organ at the base of the brain that produces substances that affect growth and sexual development (hormones).
Adrenal gland,A small gland that makes steroid hormones, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. These hormones help control heart rate, blood pressure, and other important body functions. There are two adrenal glands, one on top of each kidney.
Progesterone,Progesterone is an endogenous steroid and progestogen sex hormone involved in the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and embryogenesis of humans and other species. It belongs to a group of steroid hormones called the progestogens and is the major progestogen in the body.
Oxytocin,Oxytocin is a peptide hormone and neuropeptide normally produced in the hypothalamus and released by the posterior pituitary. It plays a role in social bonding, reproduction, childbirth, and the period after childbirth.
Marasmus,undernourishment causing a child’s weight to be significantly low for their age.
Nutrient deficiency is the main cause of marasmus. It occurs in children that don’t ingest enough protein, calories, carbohydrates, and other important nutrients. This is usually due to poverty and a scarcity of food. There are several types of malnutrition.
Kwashiorkor,Malnutrition produced by a severely inadequate amount of protein in the diet.
Protein malnutrition, or kwashiorkor, is mostly found in people living in geographical areas that have limited food resources. It’s most commonly seen in children whose diets are low in protein and calories.
Kwashiorkor is a condition resulting from inadequate protein intake. Early symptoms include fatigue, irritability, and lethargy. As protein deprivation continues, one sees growth failure, loss of muscle mass, generalized swelling (edema), and decreased immunity. A large, protuberant belly is common.
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