Which of the following is also known as “Mask of Pregnancy”?, For how long does Copper – T 380-A provide contraceptive protection to a woman?The age of the sucking reflex is about to disappear, (सकिंग रिफ्लेक्स लुप्त होने की लगभग आयु है)…..by GS India Nursing.

Q 1. For how long does Copper – T 380-A provide contraceptive protection to a woman?(कॉपर – T 380-A एक

Continue readingWhich of the following is also known as “Mask of Pregnancy”?, For how long does Copper – T 380-A provide contraceptive protection to a woman?The age of the sucking reflex is about to disappear, (सकिंग रिफ्लेक्स लुप्त होने की लगभग आयु है)…..by GS India Nursing.

Thelarche, The circumference of a newborn’s chest at the time of birth is-, What is the development of breast seedling at the beginning of puberty called?, In how many minutes second time Apgar score is done? (दूसरी बार आपगार स्कोर कितने मिनट में किया जाता है?)… GS India Nursing

Thelarche, or the onset of pubertal breast development, occurs between the ages of 11 and 11.5 years.

Continue readingThelarche, The circumference of a newborn’s chest at the time of birth is-, What is the development of breast seedling at the beginning of puberty called?, In how many minutes second time Apgar score is done? (दूसरी बार आपगार स्कोर कितने मिनट में किया जाता है?)… GS India Nursing

Which of the following is tested by angiography? What will be the primary work done in hypoglycemia condition? हाइपोग्लाइसीमिया स्थिति में किया गया प्राथमिक कार्य क्या होगा?,who gave the “energy field theory” for nursing work? (नर्सिंग कार्यों हेतु “उर्जा क्षेत्र सिद्धांत” किसने दिया था?)

Q 1. What will be the primary work done in hypoglycemia condition?( हाइपोग्लाइसीमिया स्थिति में किया गया प्राथमिक कार्य क्या

Continue readingWhich of the following is tested by angiography? What will be the primary work done in hypoglycemia condition? हाइपोग्लाइसीमिया स्थिति में किया गया प्राथमिक कार्य क्या होगा?,who gave the “energy field theory” for nursing work? (नर्सिंग कार्यों हेतु “उर्जा क्षेत्र सिद्धांत” किसने दिया था?)

Primipara, primigravida, multigravida, nulligravida, What is a woman who is pregnant for the first time called?, What is a woman who has given birth to more than one child called?(एक ऐसी महिला जिसने 1 से अधिक बच्चों को जन्म दीया हो उसे क्या कहा जाता है?)… by GS India Nursing

Q 1. What is a woman, who has given birth to more than one child, called?(एक ऐसी महिला जिसने 1

Continue readingPrimipara, primigravida, multigravida, nulligravida, What is a woman who is pregnant for the first time called?, What is a woman who has given birth to more than one child called?(एक ऐसी महिला जिसने 1 से अधिक बच्चों को जन्म दीया हो उसे क्या कहा जाता है?)… by GS India Nursing

👉What is the approximate number of beds in a Community Health Center?)(एक सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य केंद्र में बेड की लगभग कितनी संख्या होती है?), Up to what age group children are given health checkup and education at Anganwadi center?(आंगनबाड़ी केंद्र पर कितने आयु समूह तक के बच्चों का हेल्थ चेकअप एवं शिक्षा दी जाती है?)

Nursing Examination MCQ Questions for all Staff Nurse Exams,CHO Exams, ANM Exams, GNM Exams, PGI Nursing Exams, AIIMS Nursing Exams. … Continue reading👉What is the approximate number of beds in a Community Health Center?)(एक सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य केंद्र में बेड की लगभग कितनी संख्या होती है?), Up to what age group children are given health checkup and education at Anganwadi center?(आंगनबाड़ी केंद्र पर कितने आयु समूह तक के बच्चों का हेल्थ चेकअप एवं शिक्षा दी जाती है?)

By what name is the Health Survey and Planning Committee known? (“हेल्थ सर्वे एंड प्लैनिंग कमेटी” को और किस नाम से जाना जाता है?), Polio/Poliomyelitis last case in India, Failure of testis to descent into scrotum is called: (Failure of testis to descent into scrotum is called:-Cryptorchidism, …..by GS India Nursing

Which disease is spread through unprotected sex/unsafe sexual relation?(असुरक्षित यौन संबंध (unsafe sexual relation) के माध्यम से फैलने वाला रोग

Continue readingBy what name is the Health Survey and Planning Committee known? (“हेल्थ सर्वे एंड प्लैनिंग कमेटी” को और किस नाम से जाना जाता है?), Polio/Poliomyelitis last case in India, Failure of testis to descent into scrotum is called: (Failure of testis to descent into scrotum is called:-Cryptorchidism, …..by GS India Nursing

What is the duration of the first stage of labor in multigravida? (मल्टीग्रेविडा में प्रसव की प्रथम अवस्था की अवधि कितनी होती है?), At what age does urine start to form in the foetus during intrauterine life?, In which trimester the problem of morning sickness is seen in women during pregnancy?),

Q1. At what age does urine start to form in the foetus during intrauterine life? (इंट्रायूटरिन लाइफ के दौरान भ्रूण

Continue readingWhat is the duration of the first stage of labor in multigravida? (मल्टीग्रेविडा में प्रसव की प्रथम अवस्था की अवधि कितनी होती है?), At what age does urine start to form in the foetus during intrauterine life?, In which trimester the problem of morning sickness is seen in women during pregnancy?),

Thyroid Gland, Thyroxine Harmone, T3 Harmone, T4 Harmone & Calcitonin Harmone, Grave’s Disease & Hashimoto’s Disease causes… by GS India Nursing

Thyroid Gland & Produces Harmones The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland that is located low on the in front

Continue readingThyroid Gland, Thyroxine Harmone, T3 Harmone, T4 Harmone & Calcitonin Harmone, Grave’s Disease & Hashimoto’s Disease causes… by GS India Nursing

Who among the following discovered the first vaccine? (सबसे पहली वैक्सीन की खोज निम्न में से किसने की थी?),Flag signs are seen in which of the following?(फ्लैग साइन निम्न में से किस रोग में देखे जाते है?)…by GS India Nursing

Q 1. Who among the following discovered the first vaccine? (सबसे पहली वैक्सीन की खोज निम्न में से किसने की

Continue readingWho among the following discovered the first vaccine? (सबसे पहली वैक्सीन की खोज निम्न में से किसने की थी?),Flag signs are seen in which of the following?(फ्लैग साइन निम्न में से किस रोग में देखे जाते है?)…by GS India Nursing

Which of the following is called the neck of the uterus? (नेक ऑफ द यूट्रस निम्न में से किसे कहा जाता है?), Which of the following is not an external reproductive system of female? (निम्न में से मादा का external जनन तंत्र नहीं है?).. by GS India Nursing

Q 1. Which of the following is not an external reproductive system of female?(निम्न में से मादा का external जनन

Continue readingWhich of the following is called the neck of the uterus? (नेक ऑफ द यूट्रस निम्न में से किसे कहा जाता है?), Which of the following is not an external reproductive system of female? (निम्न में से मादा का external जनन तंत्र नहीं है?).. by GS India Nursing