In this article, we will learn about different types of aspects related to anemia, and will also understand the answers to various questions such as-
Keywords search: Anemia, iron deficiency anemia, Iron deficiency anaemia, Megaloblastic anaemia or Folic acid deficiency anemia, Sickle cell anemia, Thalassemia Or Cooley’s anemia, Aplastic anaemia etc.
- What happens if a woman is anemic?
- Which anemia is common in females?
- What 3 conditions would cause anemia?
- How is anemia treated in women?
- What is the fastest way to cure anemia?
- What are the signs that you’re anemic?
- Can anemia cause weight gain?
- Does anemia affect periods?
Anemia is an abnormal condition characterized by decreased oxygen carrying capacity of blood.

Types of Anemia:-
- Iron deficiency anaemia
- Megaloblastic anaemia or Folic acid deficiency anemia
- Sickle cell anemia
- Thalassemia Or cooley’s anemia
- Aplastic anaemia
Iron deficiency anemia:- Iron deficiency anaemia is characterized by lack of iron (Fe) in body that result lack of hemoglobin formation and decrease oxygen carrying capacity of blood.
- Less intake of iron
- Malabsorption of iron
- Worm infestation
- Maldigestion
- Infection
- Pregnancy
- Weakness
- Early fatigue
- Anorexia
- Pallorness
- Headache
- Recurrent infection
- Low hemoglobin level
- Dizziness
- Physical examination
- History collection
- Blood investigation
Iron deficiency anaemia usually treated in iron supplements provides and increasing iron intake and treating any underlying condition. Parentral iron infusion.
Megaloblastic anemia,or Folic acid deficiency anemia:- It is a type of anaemia in which there is immature RBC production occurs in bone marrow because of Folic acid or vitamin B12 deficiency or both.
- Alcoholism
- Low intake of Folic acid
- Maldigestion
- Pregnancy
- Autoimmune disease
- Malabsorption
- Sever Weakness
- Progressive fatigue
- Palpitation
- Glossitis
- Nausea and vomiting
- Anorexia
- Fainting
- Headache
- Mild jaundice
- Neurological symptoms
- Restlessness
- Lethargy
- Breathlessness
- Blood investigation
- Schilling test
- Vitamin B12 investigation
- Serum folate level
Folic acid anemia usually treated by Folic acid supplements and Folic acid tablets provides. And healthy diet this includes foods rich in folic acid such as green leafy vegetable.
Sickle Cell anemia:- Sickle Cell anaemia is a congenital hemolytic anaemia characterized by defective hemoglobin that causes RBCs to roughen and become Sickle shaped that are destroyed in spleen thus oxygen carrying of blood is reduced.
- Tachycardia
- Cardiomegaly
- Chronic fatigue
- Dyspnea
- Jaundice
- Hepatomegaly
- Swelling in joints
- Bodyache
- Recurrent infection
- Thrombosis
- Spleen degeneration
- Fever
- Severe pain
- Restlessness
- Bone marrow suppression
- Lethargy
- Blood investigation
- Chest X-ray
- Bone marrow aspiration
- Hemoglobin electrophoresis
- Delayed growth and development
- Organ infection
- Retinopathy
- Neuropathy
- Recurrent infection
- Cerebrovescular accident ( strok)
Management:- Treatment includes medication, blood transfusion rarely a bone marrow transplant.
Thalassemia or cooley’s anemia:- Thalassemia is a genetic disorder characterized by malsynthesis of haemoglobin in RBC and destruction of RBCs that results low oxygen carrying capacity of blood.
Symptoms :-
- Fatigueness
- Anorexia
- Severe weakness
- Jaundice
- Reduced body weight
- Recurrent infection
- Loss of libido
- HB level test
- RBC count
- Hemoglobin electrophoresis
Management:- thalassemia anaemia, for moderate and severe treatment might include. Frequent blood transfusion and regular blood transfusion regular checks heart and liver function.
Aplastic anemia:- Aplastic anemia Is Anemia results from injury to or destruction of steam cells in bone marrow causing pancytopenia and bone marrow hypoplasia.
Caused :-
- Genetic disorder
- Use of certain drugs
- Toxic agent
- Exposure to radiation
- Hepatitis
- Auto-immunological disorder
- Chemotherapy
- IdioPathic
- Chronic fatigueness
- Shortness of breath
- Headache
- Jaundice
- Tachycardia
- Redness of cornea
- Recurrent infection
- Recurrent fever
- Dyspnea
- Profuse bleeding
- Blood investigation
- Serum iron level
- Bone marrow aspiration
- Chest X-ray
- Ultrasonography
- Severe thrombocytopenia
- Severe infection
- Severe hemorrhage
- Internal hemorrhage
- Strok and Death
Management:- Aplastic anamia initial treatment of acquired blood transfusion and a bone marrow transplant is the only cure for Aplastic anaemia. Bone marrow transplant I am also called steam cells transplant. A Transplant is the preferred treatment for severe aplastic anemia.
What happens if a woman is anemic?
This is the most common type of anemia is caused by a deficiency of iron in your body. Your bone marrow needs iron to make hemoglobin. Without adequate iron, your body can’t produce enough hemoglobin for red blood cells. Generally, it occurs in pregnant women.
Which anemia is common in females?
Generally, Iron-deficiency anemia affects more women than men and is more common during pregnancy. Your body needs iron to help carry oxygen through your blood to all parts of your body.
What 4 conditions would cause anemia?
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Folate (folacin) deficiency
- Vitamin B12 deficiency
- Long-term (chronic) diseases such as chronic kidney disease, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer,
- Destruction of red blood cells earlier than normal (which may be caused by immune system problems).
How is anemia treated in women?
Iron supplements (grean leafy vegetables as spinach, brocolli, lentils, jaggery, gooseberry/karonda, legumes, red meat, shellfish etc.) taken by orally,
Foods high in iron and foods that help your body absorb iron (like foods with Vitamin C), For iron absorbing, Vitamin C plays a very important roll.
Iron given through an intravenous (IV) infusion. (This is often a choice if you have CKD or chronic kidney disease).
Does anemia affect periods?
Yes, periods often stop due to iron deficiency. This is often due to not consuming enough iron, heavy periods (ironically, since a side effect of anemia can be no period at all), or an inability to absorb iron properly. If your body doesn’t have enough iron, it can shut down your menstruation process. low iron can actually stop your periods altogether. You may have struggled with the likes of feeling faint, fatigued, or short of breath – they’re all common (and annoying).
I hope that you liked this article.
Thanking you!! ….. By GS India Nursing!!
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