Bihar Staff Nurse Exams Online Live Test Series Posted on March 20, 2025 Welcome to your Online Live Test Series Name Email 1. Presumptive sign & symptoms are all; except- A. Hegar's sign B. Breast change C. Quickening D. Morning sickness None 2. The recommended daily energy intake of an adult pregnant women with heavy work is: A. 2500 kcal B. 2900 kcal C. 3200 kcal D. 2100 kcal None 2. Which should avoid during pregnancy? A. Alcohol B. Smoking C. Tobacco chewing D. All above None 3. the another term used for the umbilical cord. A. Amnion B. Funis C. Chorion D. Onphalon None 5. A condition in which placenta is directly attached to the myometrium: A. Placenta accreta B. Placenta velamentous C. Placenta previa D. Placenta battledore None 6. Oxygenated blood from placenta returns to the foetus via the......... A. Superior vena cava B. Ductusarterosus C. Umbilical vein D. Inferior vena cava None 7. Placenta is originated from: A. Myocardium B. Chorion frondosum C. Decidual vera D. Decidual capsularis None 8. Foetal blood flow through placenta is about A. 500 ml/min B. 400 ml/min C. 300 ml/min D. None of the above None 9. A persistent preoccupation with fear of having serious disease despite repeated medical reassurance is termed as: A. Hypochondriasis B. Phobia C. Mania D. Schizophrenia None 10. A state of diminish consciousness in which the patient remains mute and still with the eyes open is called: A. Hysteria B. Stupor C. Panic D. Catatonia None 11. All of the following are psycho social therapies; except- A. Electro convulsive therapy B. Family therapy C. Behaviour therapy D. Cognitive therapy None 12. Creating imaginary events to fill up the memory gap is known as: A. Compulsion B. Circumstantialily C. Neologism D. Confabulation None 13. Pathological repetition by imitation of the behaviour of another person is term as: A. Echopraxia B. Encopresis C. Enuresis D. Echolalia None 14. A patient who keeps repeating a word over and over is demonstrating? A. Stereotype B. Senility C. Neologism D. Catalepsy None 15. False fixed Idea aur believe date patient accept as real or called: A. Illusion B. Hallucination C. Delusion D. Magical thinking None 16. Delusion is a disorder of: A. Perception B. Intellect C. Memory D. Thinking None 17. Inability to verbally describe one's emotionally feelings: A. Anhedonia B. Akinesia C. Agitation D. Alexithymia None 18. False sensory perception in the absence of real external stimuli is called: A. Illusion B. Hallucination C. Depersonsalization D. De-ja vu None 19. The most universally accepted indicator of health status is: A. Infant mortality rate B. Adult mortality rate C. Case fatality rate D. Crude death rate None 20. Which of the below is a mortality indicator? A. Incidence rate B. Prevalence rate C. Disability rate D. Crude death rate None 21. The period from disease initiation to disease detection is called: A. Incubation period B. Communicable period C. Latent period D. Median incubation period None 22. Which is the most common microorganisms in nosocomial infections? A. Enterococci B. Serratia C. Esherichia coli D. Staphylococcus aureus None 23. Which one of the following is a natural family planning method? A. Tubectomy B. Breast feeding C. Intra uterine devices D. Vasectomy None 24. An example for second generation IUD is A. Levonorgestrel B. Progestasert C. Lippes loop D. ML-Cu-250 None 25. Incidence of ectopic pregnancy is highest in: A. Multiload IUCD B. Copper T C. Progestasert D. O.C. pills None Time's upTime is Up! Post navigation Previous PostPrev Post BTSC Staff Nurse Exams Online Live Test SeriesNext PostNext Post BTSC/Bihar Staff Nurse Online Live Test Series Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ