Q 1. The antidote of paracetamol is (पेरासिटामोल का एंटीडोट है,)
A. Sodium bicarbonate
B. N- acetylcysteine
C. Flumagenil
D. Methelene blue
Q 2.What is an antagonist of progesterone? (प्रोजेस्ट्रोन का एंटीगोनिस्ट क्या है?)
A. Misoprostol
B. Prolactin
C. Mifepristone
D. Oxytocin
Q 3. Calcium channel blockers are mainly used,(कैल्शियम चैनल ब्लॉकर्स मुख्यत: काम में लेते हैं-)
A. Renal disorder
B. Cardiovascular disorder
C. Gastric disorder
D. Neurological disorder
Q 4. The endoscopic catheter is sterilized,(इंडोस्कोपिक कैथेटर को स्टेरलाइज किया जाता है,)
A. Hot air oven
B. 2% Glutaraldehyde
C. Boiling
D. Autoclave
Q 5. What type of fever comes as a result of dengue virus infection?(डेंगू वायरस संक्रमण स्वरूप किस प्रकार का बुखार आता है?)
A. Three stage
B. Four stage
C. Five stage
D. Two stage
Q 6. What is the time period after the pathogen enters the body till symptoms appear?(रोगाणुकारक के शरीर में प्रवेश पश्चात लक्षण आने तक का समय क्या कहलाता है?)
A. Incubation period
B. Illness period
C. Period of disease
D. None
Q 7. What is the first sound you hear while doing a blood pressure test?(रक्तचाप परीक्षण करते समय सुनाई देने वाली प्रथम ध्वनि कौन सी है?)
A. Systolic
B. Volume
C. Pulse pressure
D. Diastolic
Q 8. In which organ most of the drug is digested,(दवा का सर्वाधिक पाचन कौन से अंग में होता है,)
A. Liver
B. Stomach
C. Kidney
D. Colon
Q 9. Which indicator indicates mortal state?(कौन सा सूचक प्राणघातक अवस्था को दर्शाता है?)
A. BP 90/60
B. BP 85/50
C. BP 160/120
D. BP 180/100
Q 10. Through which medium is the maximum spread of any infectious disease?(किसी भी संक्रामक बीमारी का सर्वाधिक प्रसार किस माध्यम द्वारा होता है?)
A. By nose
B. By hand
C. By clothes
D. By eye
The answers to the above questions are given below
Ans 1. B. N- acetylcysteine ,
Ans 2. C. Mifepristone ,
Ans 3. B. Cardiovascular disorder ,
Ans 4. B. 2% Glutaraldehyde ,
Ans 5. A. Three stage ,
Ans 6. A. Incubation period ,
Ans 7. A. Systolic ,
Ans 8. A. Liver ,
Ans 9. C. BP 160/120 ,
Ans 10. B. By hand ,
Some explanation 👇
What is normal systolic?
Normal blood pressure for most adults is defined as a systolic pressure of less than 120 and a diastolic pressure of less than 80.
What is systolic and diastolic mean?
Blood pressure is measured using two numbers: The first number, called systolic blood pressure, measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart beats. The second number, called diastolic blood pressure, measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart rests between beats.
What pressure is systolic?
Your systolic blood pressure is the top number on your reading. It measures the force of blood against your artery walls while your ventricles — the lower two chambers of your heart — squeeze, pushing blood out to the rest of your body.
Incubation period ,
Incubation period is the time elapsed between exposure to a pathogenic organism, a chemical, or radiation, and when symptoms and signs are first apparent.
N- acetylcysteine ,
Acetylcysteine, also known as N-acetylcysteine (NAC), is a medication that is used to treat paracetamol (acetaminophen) overdose, and to loosen thick mucus in individuals with chronic bronchopulmonary disorders like pneumonia and bronchitis. It has been used to treat lactobezoar in infants.
Mifepristone ,
Mifepristone, also known as RU-486, is a medication typically used in combination with misoprostol to bring about an abortion during pregnancy. This combination is 97% effective during the first 63 days of pregnancy. It is also effective in the second trimester of pregnancy.
Cardiovascular disorder ,
What is the most common cardiovascular disorder?
Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the most common form of heart disease. It occurs when the arteries supplying blood to the heart narrow or harden from the build-up of plaque. Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol and other substances found in the blood. This plaque build-up is also known as atherosclerosis.