AIIMS/SGPGI/UPPSC/UPUMS Nursing Officer & Staff Nurse, CHO Questions and Answers

Definition of Icteric: A specimen that exhibits a yellowish pigmentation due to jaundice. Yellow skin caused by the build-up of bilirubin in the blood. Jaundice may occur if the liver can’t efficiently process red blood cells as they break down. It’s normal in healthy newborns and usually clears on its own … Continue readingAIIMS/SGPGI/UPPSC/UPUMS Nursing Officer & Staff Nurse, CHO Questions and Answers

Primordial Prevention, Primary level of prevention, Secondary level of prevention, Tertiary Prevention, Specific Prevention with examples

Example’s primordial level of prevention-
•Childhood obesity prevention is the example of- primordial prevention.
•Prevention of emergence of risk factor is a- primordial prevention. … Continue readingPrimordial Prevention, Primary level of prevention, Secondary level of prevention, Tertiary Prevention, Specific Prevention with examples

Partograph or Partogram, uses, salient features

Partograph is also known as partogram. Partograph is a composite graphical record of key data during labour entered against time on a single sheet of paper. Partograph is the most important tool for health workers at any level to assess the progress of labour and take appropriate actions. Partogram is a graphic recording of the progress of labour and condition of mother and foetus. … Continue readingPartograph or Partogram, uses, salient features

Measles (rubeola)-Sign & Symptoms, Measles Stages, measles vaccine, Measles and German measles difference.

Measles (Rubeola) is a common infectious disease especially among children, in which your body feels hot and your skin is covered in small red spots. Measles causitive agent is  paramyxovirus. Measles (also known as rubeola, coughing measles, hard measles, morbilli, red measles, and 10-day measles) … Continue readingMeasles (rubeola)-Sign & Symptoms, Measles Stages, measles vaccine, Measles and German measles difference.

How to spread HIV/AIDS, how to prevent from HIV/AIDS, AIDS symbol & AIDS days

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Which is the best youtube channel to prepare for nursing exams? all CHO Exams, GNM, ANM Exams, PGI (SGPGI) Exams, AIIMS NORCET Exams, DSSSB Nursing Exams

For Nursing Exams preparation best YouTube channel is “GS India (GS India Nursing)” YouTube channel. GS India classes is the best YouTube channel to prepare for Nursing exams in India. … Continue readingWhich is the best youtube channel to prepare for nursing exams? all CHO Exams, GNM, ANM Exams, PGI (SGPGI) Exams, AIIMS NORCET Exams, DSSSB Nursing Exams

Obesity & Overweight: Causes, Sign and Symptoms, Diagnosis & treatment: (GS India Nursing)

Obesity: A disorder involving excessive body fat that increases the risk of health problems. Obesity is a common, serious chronic disease of adults and children. Obesity affects children as well as adults. Obesity is generally caused by eating too much fatty and junk food, and moving or exercising too littles. In adults, Obesity is considered when BMI scores greater than or equal to 30.

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Tomato flu, sign & symptoms, prevention, Tomato flu is a new disease in the world.

Tomato flu special key point: Scientists say the “virus “which is highly contagious but non-life- threatening, could be linked to chikungunya, or dengue fever, or viral hand, foot, and mouth disease.

Tomato flu- so called due to the painful red blisters it produces- has so far been detected in more than 100 children across three states since the first case was reported on May 6.

The emergence of a rare, new viral infection afflicting young children has promoted health authorities in India India to issue a health advisory.

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UPCHO/Rajasthan/MPCHO and Staff Nurse Previous year solved Paper, 2021-22 (By GS India Nursing).

Q1. Which of the following nutrients does your body produce, when exposed to sunlight? (सूर्य के प्रकाश के संपर्क में आने पर आपका शरीर निम्नलिखित में से किस पोषक तत्व का उत्पादन करता है?)

Continue readingUPCHO/Rajasthan/MPCHO and Staff Nurse Previous year solved Paper, 2021-22 (By GS India Nursing).