Where is the headquarters of Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) located?, Which drugs are not effective for cervical ripening during pregnancy?, What is the drugs of choice for induction of labor? (Midwifery and Gynecology)….by GS India Nursing!!

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) is situated in Hyderabad, Telangana, (India). … Continue readingWhere is the headquarters of Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) located?, Which drugs are not effective for cervical ripening during pregnancy?, What is the drugs of choice for induction of labor? (Midwifery and Gynecology)….by GS India Nursing!!

Calcium channel blockers are mainly used-, What is an antagonist of progesterone?, (The antidote of paracetamol is-(Pharmacology)….by GS India Nursing!!

Calcium channel blockers are medications used to lower blood pressure.Calcium causes the heart and arteries to squeeze (contract) more strongly. By blocking calcium, calcium channel blockers allow blood vessels to relax and open. … Continue readingCalcium channel blockers are mainly used-, What is an antagonist of progesterone?, (The antidote of paracetamol is-(Pharmacology)….by GS India Nursing!!

What is Partograph (Partogram), Partograph starts from…..?, Linea nigra is a…….? …by GS India Nursing!!

Partograph is also known as partogram. Partograph is a composite graphical record of key data during labour entered against time on a single sheet of paper. A partograph is a graphical record of the observations made of a women in labour.

Continue readingWhat is Partograph (Partogram), Partograph starts from…..?, Linea nigra is a…….? …by GS India Nursing!!

Up to what age group children are given health checkup and education at Anganwadi centre?, What is the age of sucking reflex extinction?, Which one of the following is not an international health organization?….by GS India Nursing!!

Q 1. Up to what age group children are given health checkup and education at Anganwadi center?(आंगनबाड़ी केंद्र पर कितनी

Continue readingUp to what age group children are given health checkup and education at Anganwadi centre?, What is the age of sucking reflex extinction?, Which one of the following is not an international health organization?….by GS India Nursing!!

Oral vaccine is used to prevent,(ओरल वैक्सीन का प्रयोग रोकथाम के लिए किया जाता है,)The natural method of family planning is(परिवार नियोजन की प्राकृतिक विधि है,)

Q 1. The natural method of family planning is(परिवार नियोजन की प्राकृतिक विधि है,)_ A. IUCDS B. Oral contraceptive C.

Continue readingOral vaccine is used to prevent,(ओरल वैक्सीन का प्रयोग रोकथाम के लिए किया जाता है,)The natural method of family planning is(परिवार नियोजन की प्राकृतिक विधि है,)

Which is the best method to find the position of placenta in uterus?, (How long after delivery can eclampsia seizures occur?, Treatment of obesity by controlling food or fasting is called?…….by GS India Nursing!!

Q 1. Treatment of obesity by controlling food or fasting is called? (भोजन को नियंत्रित करके अथवा उपवास द्वारा मोटापे

Continue readingWhich is the best method to find the position of placenta in uterus?, (How long after delivery can eclampsia seizures occur?, Treatment of obesity by controlling food or fasting is called?…….by GS India Nursing!!

How many ml are in 1oz?(1oz में कितने ml होते हैं?)How many cc are in 1ml? (1ml मे कितने cc होते हैं?)

Q1. How many cc are in 1ml? (1ml मे कितने cc होते हैं?) A. 10 cc B. 2 cc C.

Continue readingHow many ml are in 1oz?(1oz में कितने ml होते हैं?)How many cc are in 1ml? (1ml मे कितने cc होते हैं?)

Which of the following is called black death?, Anganwadi worker is appointed?, Which of these is the largest blood cell?……..by GS India Nursing!!

Q 1. Anganwadi worker is appointed?(आंगनबाड़ी कार्यकर्ता नियुक्ति होती है?) A. 500 B. 1000 C. 5000 D. 10,000 Q 2.

Continue readingWhich of the following is called black death?, Anganwadi worker is appointed?, Which of these is the largest blood cell?……..by GS India Nursing!!

A target has been set to make India a TB free country?, When is International Human Rights Day celebrated?…. Community Health Nursing Questionnaire, Staff Nurse Exams, ANM Exams, GNM Exams CHO Exams, GS India Nursing!!

A target has been set to make India a TB free country?, When is International Human Rights Day celebrated?…. Community Health Nursing Questionnaire, Staff Nurse Exams, ANM Exams, GNM Exams CHO Exams, GS India Nursing!!

Continue readingA target has been set to make India a TB free country?, When is International Human Rights Day celebrated?…. Community Health Nursing Questionnaire, Staff Nurse Exams, ANM Exams, GNM Exams CHO Exams, GS India Nursing!!

What is the discharge of urine out of the bladder called?, (Thermometer in which the result is seen within 45 seconds, (थर्मामीटर जिसमें परिणाम 45 सेकंड के भीतर देखा जाता है), What type of disorder is hallucinations?(हेलूसिनेशन किस प्रकार का डिसऑर्डर है?) MCQ Questions for Staff Nurse, CHO, ANM Exams

Q 1. Thermometer in which the result is seen within 45 seconds,(थर्मामीटर जिसमें परिणाम 45 सेकंड के भीतर देखा जाता

Continue readingWhat is the discharge of urine out of the bladder called?, (Thermometer in which the result is seen within 45 seconds, (थर्मामीटर जिसमें परिणाम 45 सेकंड के भीतर देखा जाता है), What type of disorder is hallucinations?(हेलूसिनेशन किस प्रकार का डिसऑर्डर है?) MCQ Questions for Staff Nurse, CHO, ANM Exams