👉Let us see some of the questions asked in Nursing exams, in short form and in alternate form
Q.1. What is meant by Tinnitus?(टिनिटस का क्या अर्थ है?)
A- Vomiting
B – Dizziness
C – Ringing of bells in the ears
D – feel tingling
Q. 2. Breast cancer is the most common. (स्तन कैंसर सबसे आम है-)
A – Equal in both
B – Left Breast
C – Right Breast
Q. 3. How many doses of BCG are given at birth? जन्म के समय बीसीजी की कितनी खुराक दी जाती है?
A – 0.005ml
B – 0.05ml
C – 0.5ml
D – 0.01ml
Q. 4.Which is a viral disease which is spread by mosquito? (कौन सा विषाणु रोग है जो मच्छर से फैलता है?)
A – malaria
B – typhoid
C – filaria
D – yellow fever
Q5. Where do the lenogoes found on a newborn body first migrate? (नवजात के शरीर पर पाए जाने वाले लेनुगो सबसे पहले कहाँ प्रवास करते हैं?)
A – head
B – hand
C – face
D – feet
Q. 6. The pediatric dosage for children of all ages is calculated using the formula. (सभी उम्र के बच्चों के लिए बाल चिकित्सा खुराक की गणना सूत्र का उपयोग करके की जाती है।)
A- Clark’s formula
B – Young’s formula
C – Fried’s formula
D – Evan’s formula
Q. 7. Which of the the following vaccine given at birth? (निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा टीका जन्म के समय दिया जाता है?)
D – All of these
Q. 8. At what temperature is the Polio Vaccine stored? (पोलियो के टीके को किस तापमान पर संग्रहित किया जाता है?)
A – -10°c
B – –20°c
C – -2°c
D – 0°c
Q. 9. The normal respiratory rate of a newborn baby is- (नवजात शिशु की सामान्य श्वसन दर होती है-)
A – 70-80/min
B – 40-60/min
C – 30-40/min
D – 50-40/min
Q. 10. HIV is a-// (एचआईवी है-)
A – RNA retroviruse
B – DNA retroviruse
C – RNA togavirus
D – Both A & B
👉The answers to the above given optional questions are given below,
Ans. 1. C – Ringing of bells in the ears,
Ans. 2. B – Left Breast,
Ans. 3. B – 0.05ml,
Ans. 4. D – yellow fever,
Ans. 5. C – face,
Ans. 6. A- Clark’s formula,
Ans. 7. C – BCG
Ans. 8. B – -20°c
Ans. 9. B – 40-60/min,
Ans. 10. A – RNA retroviruse,
👉things to note,
1 – yellow fever;
A viral infection spread by a particular species of mosquito.Yellow fever is spread by a species of mosquito common to areas of Africa and South America. Vaccination is recommended before travelling to certain areas.
What caused the yellow fever?
Yellow fever is caused by a virus that is spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. These mosquitoes thrive in and near human habitations where they breed in even the cleanest water. Most cases of yellow fever occur in sub-Saharan Africa and tropical South America.
What is the yellow fever?
Yellow fever is a disease caused by a virus that is spread through mosquito bites. Symptoms take 3–6 days to develop and include fever, chills, headache, backache, and muscle aches. About 15% of people who get yellow fever develop serious illness that can lead to bleeding, shock, organ failure, and sometimes death.
Was yellow fever a pandemic?
In the 18th and 19th centuries, yellow fever was considered one of the most dangerous infectious diseases; numerous epidemics swept through major cities of the US and in other parts of the world. In 1927, yellow fever virus was the first human virus to be isolated.
Is there a yellow fever vaccine?
A safe and effective yellow fever vaccine has been available for more than 80 years. A single dose provides lifelong protection for most people. The vaccine is a live, weakened form of the virus given as a single shot.
2 – RNA retroviruse;
A retrovirus is a type of virus that inserts a copy of its RNA genome into the DNA of a host cell that it invades, thus changing the genome of that cell.
Are RNA viruses retroviruses?
Retroviruses are a type of virus in the viral family called Retroviridae. They use RNA as their genetic material and are named for a special enzyme that’s a vital part of their life cycle – reverse transcriptase.
What does a retrovirus do?
A retrovirus is a virus that uses RNA as its genetic material. When a retrovirus infects a cell, it makes a DNA copy of its genome that is inserted into the DNA of the host cell. There are a variety of different retroviruses that cause human diseases such as some forms of cancer and AIDS.
What is the difference between RNA virus and retrovirus?
Retroviruses (Group VI) have a single-stranded RNA genome but, in general, are not considered RNA viruses because they use DNA intermediates to replicate.
3- Clark’s formula,
Clark’s rule equation is defined as the weight of the patient in pounds divided by the average standard weight of 150 pounds (68 kg) multiplied by the adult dose of a drug equals the pediatric medication dose, as is demonstrated below: (Weight* divided by 150 lbs.)
How do you use Clark’s rule?
Clark’s Rule is a medical term referring to a procedure used to calculate the amount of medicine to give to a child aged 2-17. The procedure is to take the child’s weight in pounds, divide by 150lbs, and multiply the fractional result by the adult dose to find the equivalent child dosage.
4 – lenogoes,Fine hair, called lanugo, will also appear on your baby’s face and body around 20 weeks gestation. Lanugo serves several important purposes. It traps vernix (that white, cakey substance which protects a baby’s delicate skin) in place, helps with temperature regulation, and even helps to regulate hormones in utero.
How do you get rid of lanugo on forehead?
Even when a lot of hair is present at time of birth, there’s no need to worry. Your baby will naturally shed this hair within the first few days or weeks after birth. Gently massaging a baby’s skin after birth can facilitate the removal of lanugo.
Does baby hair on the forehead go away?
Lanugo is a natural part of fetal development, and it’s perfectly normal if your baby is born with this soft body hair. Don’t worry, it typically disappears after the newborn stage, but if your baby’s lanugo lingers beyond a few months, ask your pediatrician.
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