Q1. In how many minutes second time Apgar score is done? (दूसरी बार आपगार स्कोर कितने मिनट में किया जाता है?)
A. 5minute
B. 1minute
C. 3 minute
D. 10 minute
Q2. what is the total score in Apgar score? (अपगार स्कोर में कुल कितना स्कोर होता है? )
A. 7
B. 8
C. 10
D. 9
Q 3. Good condition is considered in Apgar score – (अपगार स्कोर में गुड कंडीशन माना जाता है?)
A. 7- 9
B. 4 – 6
C. 10
D. 0 – 3
Q 4. The circumference of a newborn’s chest at the time of birth is- (जन्म के समय नवजात शिशु के छाती की परिधि निम्न में से होती है)
A. 27 – 30 cm
B. 33 – 35 cm
C. 36 – 40 cm
D. 31 – 33 cm
Q 5. Which cell is found in female at birth? (महिला में कौन सी कोशिका जन्म के समय पाई जाती है?)
A. Ovum
B. Polar body
C. Primary oocyte
D. Secondary oocyte
Q 6. What changes are seen in girls during puberty? ( यौवनारंभ के समय लड़कियों में कौन से परिवर्तन दिखाई देते हैं?)
A. रजोधर्म होने लगता है
B. वछ के आकार में वृद्धि होने लगती है
C. स्तनआग्र की त्वचा का रंग गहरा भूरा होने लगता है
D. उपरोक्त सभी
Q 7. Which of the following is the formula used to calculate the expected date of delivery?(प्रसव की संभावित तिथि की गणना हेतु प्रयुक्त फार्मूला निम्न में से कौन सा है?)
A. Pawlik ‘s formula
B. Jacquemier ‘ s formula
C. Naegele ‘ s formula
D. None
Q 8. What is the development of pubic and axillary hair in the sexual stage called?(यौन अवस्था में प्यूबिक एवं axillary hair के विकास को क्या कहते हैं?)
A. Adrenarche
B. Menarche
C. Thelerche
D. Pubarche
Q 9.What is the development of breast seedling at the beginning of puberty called?( योवना आरंभ में स्तन अंकुर के विकास को क्या कहा जाता है?)
A. Thelerche
B. Pubarche
C. Adrenarche
D. Menarche
Q 10. What is the first period of a girl called?(लड़कियों में पहली महावारी को क्या कहा जाता है?)
A. Pubarche
B. Menopause
C. Menarche
D. Adrenarche
👉Ans the above 👆 following questions below 👇
Ans 1. A. 5minute ,
Ans 2. C. 10 ,
Ans 3. A. 7- 9 ,
Ans 4. D. 31 – 33 cm ,
Ans 5. C. Primary oocyte,
Ans 6. D. उपरोक्त सभी ,
Ans 7. C. Naegele ‘ s formula,
Ans 8. A. Adrenarche ,
Ans 9. A. Thelerche ,
Ans 10. C. Menarche,
👆👉Some explanation,
The first occurrence of menstruation.
“age at menarche varies considerably between populations”.
Does menarche mean puberty?
The first menstruation (menarche) is the most definitive sign of puberty in females. It occurs at an average age of 13 years in the Northern Hemisphere, with 95% of females reaching menarche between ages 11 and 15. In the United States, menarche occurs at an average age of 12.3 years.
Thelerche ,Thelarche, also known as breast budding, is the onset of secondary breast development, which often represents the beginning of pubertal development.
What age is thelarche?
Thelarche, or the onset of pubertal breast development, occurs between the ages of 11 and 11.5 years.
What are the causes of Pediatric Premature Thelarche?
The cause of premature thelarche is often unknown. The condition may be from sensitivity to estrogen, or it can be a symptom of hormonal imbalances in the adrenal glands or ovaries.
Adrenarche ,
Adrenarche means “the awakening of the adrenal gland.” The adrenal gland is responsible for making hormones including androgens—sex hormones that cause changes such as the development of pubic hair, oily skin, oily hair and body odor. There is one adrenal gland on top of each kidney.
Naegele ‘ s formula,The Naegele’s formula is simple arithmetic method for calculating the EDD (estimated date of delivery) based on the LMP (last menstrual period).
For example,
if your LMP was November 1, 2017: Add seven days (November 8, 2017). Subtract three months (August 8, 2017).
Primary oocyte,The oocyte that arises from the oogonium via the process of oocytogenesis, and gives rise to secondary oocyte and polar body after first meiotic division (meiosis I). Supplement. In humans, the primary oocytes are produced by the process of oocytogenesis that occurs during embryonic stage .
What happens to the primary oocyte?
The primary oocyte resumes meiosis and divides to form asecondary oocyte and a smaller cell, called a polar body. Both the secondary oocyte and polar body are haploid cells. The secondary oocyte has most of the cytoplasm from the original cell and is much larger than the polar body.
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