The word “perinatal” refers to the time before and after the birth of a child. Perinatal depression includes depression that begins during pregnancy (called prenatal depression) and depression that begins after the baby is born (called postpartum depression).

How long is perinatal period?
The perinatal period, broadly defined, encompasses the time frame from one year before to 18 to 24 months after the birth of the child.
What is the difference between prenatal and perinatal?
Prenatal care is often defined as the time before birth. This is when a soon-to-be mother will come in for check-ups and care before the birth of their child. Perinatal care is the time before and after birth.
What is a perinatal midwife?
Ensure that women with perinatal mental illnesses. and their families receive the specialist care and. support they need during pregnancy and in the. postnatal period. They support their maternity team.
What are the stages of perinatal?
The process of prenatal development occurs in three main stages. The first two weeks after conception are known as the germinal stage, the third through the eighth week is known as the embryonic period, and the time from the ninth week until birth is known as the fetal period.
What is perinatal period according to who?
The perinatal period is the one extending from the gestational age at which the fetus attains the weight of I 000 g (equivalent to 28 completed weeks of ges- tation) to the end of the seventh completed day (168 completed hours) of life.
Is maternity and prenatal the same?
Pregnancy care consists of prenatal (before birth) and postpartum (after birth) healthcare for expectant mothers. It involves treatments and trainings to ensure a healthy prepregnancy, pregnancy, and labor and delivery for mom and baby.
What is perinatal suicide?
Most prior studies that have defined perinatal suicide as suicides that occur during pregnancy and up to six weeks postpartum. However, as maternal psychiatric illness most often persists beyond six weeks postpartum, this study expanded the definition of perinatal suicide to include the entire first postpartum year.
What do they do at a perinatal appointment?
During prenatal care visits, your doctor, nurse, or midwife may:-
check your weight and blood pressure.
check for swelling.
feel your belly to check the position of your fetus.
update your medical history.
check your urine.
measure the growth of your belly.
listen to the fetal heartbeat.
Why do I need perinatal care?
Pre-Pregnancy and prenatal care can help prevent complications and inform women about important steps they can take to protect their infant and ensure a healthy pregnancy. With regular prenatal care women can:- Reduce the risk of pregnancy complications.
What is the perinatal unit?
This highly complex unit has 12 procedure rooms, which provide comprehensive perinatal care services for mother and neonates of all risk categories. The area provides management of uncomplicated, or complicated, labor and delivery for any obstetric patient, including trial of labor for previous cesarean deliveries.
Which periods are combined in perinatal period?
Perinatal: Pertaining to the period immediately before and after birth. The perinatal period is defined in diverse ways. Depending on the definition, it starts at the 20th to 28th week of gestation and ends 1 to 4 weeks after birth.
What can I expect from a perinatal ultrasound?
During this ultrasound, the doctor will confirm that the placenta is healthy and that your baby is growing properly in the uterus. The baby’s heartbeat and movement of its body, arms and legs can also be seen on the ultrasound. If you wish to know the gender of your baby, it can usually be determined by 20 weeks.
What is a perinatal specialist?
Perinatologists are doctors who handle high-risk pregnancies. They work with mothers and infants to ensure safety before, during, and after birth. The term usually relates to existing conditions or conditions that happen while pregnant. Perinatologists are also known as maternal-fetal medicine specialists.
What Perinatology means?
A subspecialty of obstetrics concerned with the care of the fetus and complicated, high-risk pregnancies. Perinatology is also known as maternal-fetal medicine. The maternal-fetal medicine specialist typically works in consultation with the obstetrician.
Can a perinatologist deliver a baby?
Some perinatologists will deliver babies for high-risk and regular pregnancies. Others provide only prenatal care and have obstetricians handle labor and delivery. Perinatologists are specifically trained to handle high-risk pregnancies.
Perinatal infections
Perinatal infections include bacterial or viral illnesses that can be passed from a mother to her baby either while the baby is still in the uterus or during the delivery process. Maternal infection can, in some cases, cause complications at birth.
Which of the following organisms cause perinatal infections?
Recent studies show that perinatal infection occurs in ~3.5/1,000 births, most commonly due to Group B Streptococcus or Escherichia coli. Infections with these organisms are a relatively common cause of stillbirth and also cause serious neonatal morbidity, with thrombocytopenia developing in ~50% of cases.
What is the most common perinatal infection in the developed world?
Cytomegalovirus, a herpesvirus, is the most common cause of congenital infections, occurring in about 2.5% of live births. Several other viruses can be transmitted transplacentally, including variola (smallpox), rubella, measles, Zika, and parvovirus B19.
What is a perinatal in medical terms?
Medical Definition of perinatal
: – occurring in, concerned with, or being in the period around the time of birth perinatal mortality perinatal care.
What perinatal infections cause long term diseases?
Toxoplasmosis, other (syphilis, hepatitis, zoster), rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex, or TORCH infections, are a group of maternal infections that have few maternal symptoms, lack effective therapy and can have major consequences for the fetus.
What is the difference between perinatal and antenatal?
Perinatal is the period of time when you become pregnant and up to a year after giving birth. Antenatal or pre-natal meaning ‘before birth’ Postnatal or postpartum meaning ‘after birth’.
Is perinatal same as neonatal?
The perinatal period commences at 22 completed weeks (154 days) of gestation and ends seven completed days after birth. The neonatal period begins with birth and ends 28 complete days after birth.
When is the perinatal period?
The perinatal period, broadly defined, encompasses the time frame from one year before to 18 to 24 months after the birth of the child.
What happens in the perinatal period?
The perinatal period, which we here define as pregnancy and the first year postpartum, is a time in women’s lives that involves significant physiological and psychosocial change and adjustment, including changes in their social status and decision-making power.
What is perinatal care in nursing?
Perinatal nurses help care for women and babies throughout pregnancy, birth and postpartum, and usually up until the new baby is around a month old. Perinatal nurses educate their pregnant female patients about their unborn child.
What is perinatal assessment?
The author suggests that obstetrical units use a perinatal nursing team whose role would include the careful assessment of mother and infant for risk factors during the prenatal, intrapartal, and immediate neonatal periods.
What is prenatal care?
Prenatal care is the health care you get while you are pregnant. It includes your checkups and prenatal testing. Prenatal care can help keep you and your baby healthy. It lets your health care provider spot health problems early. Early treatment can cure many problems and prevent others.
What is perinatal nurses week?
Perinatal Nurses Week is a time to celebrate you and the work you do caring for women, newborns, and their families. Please join us in honoring our dedicated health care professionals this week and beyond.