Emergency management of definition:- Emergency is any sudden illness or injury to the patient that requiring immediate intervention.
Emergency nursing:- Emergency nursing is a unique practice that deals with unstable undiagnosed patients usually presently unexpectedly. It is important for all nurse to have the basic knowledge and skills needed for Rapid assessment, intervention and safe management of emergencies.
Types of emergency cases:-
Medical emergency:-
- Chest pain
- Asthma
- Cardiac failure
Surgical emergency:-
- Composed fracture
- Acute appendicitis
- Limb amputation
Emergency assessment:-
Primary assessment:- The initial ABCD (airway, breathing, circulation, and neurological disability) assessment of patient is meant to identify life threatening problems, for this an appropriate intervention are required before going to secondary assessment.
- A– Airway
- B– Breathing
- C– Circulation
- D– Disability (Assess level of consciousness using AVPU scale)
- A– Is the patient alert
- V– Respond to voice
- P– Respond to painful stimulus
- U– Unresponsive to painful stimulus
- Remove the patient from sources of danger such as electric current,water, fire.
- Assess A, B, C.
- Determine whether patient is conscious.
- Call for help as soon as possible.
- Send to hospital for further treatment.
Secondary assessment:-
- History collection.
- General overview.
- Vital signs
- Neurological assessment.
- Complete physical assessment (had to Toe).
- Nurse must make a record and report of nursing work.
- In the legal case. nurse should help to collect evidence.
- Example:- bullets,weapons, clothing, body fluid specimen etc.
- Nursing intervention should be waste on triage system.
Nurse should knows properly about:-
- Triage system
- Emergency drugs
- Policy of hospital/ agency.
Emergency Triage:- Triage french verb meaning “to short”patients entering an emergency department are greeted by a triage, nurse who will perform a rapid evaluation of patient to determine a level of acuity and priority of care. There are four basic category to determine the priority of care.
1. Emergency cases:- (1 priority) : It denotes by red colour, life threatening conditionable patient includes in this category. Who need emergency intervention. they have high risk of death and may die without immediate intervention e. g.
- Serious trauma.
- Cardiac arrest.
- Severe burn.
- Compound fracture.
- Head injury.
- Airway and severe respiratory compromise
- Severe shock.
- Multi system trauma.
Urgent cases:- it denotes by yellow colour, they comes under two priority according treatment. they have low possibility of death. intervention should be required within few hours e. g.
- Severe pain.
- Vomiting.
- Diarrhoea.
- C. V. A.
- Intra peritoneal bleeding.
- Abdominal pain.
Non-urgent cases:- (3′ priority) Sach type of patient denote by Green colour. The patient do not have life threatening and intervention may be delayed beyond a few hours.
- Soft tissue injury.
- Sprain.
- Fracture without circulatory compromise.
- Ambulatory patient.
- Minor laceration.
Dead patient:- the denotes by black colour. These patients will require medical intervention but not with any not argency.
I hope that you liked this article.
Thanking you!!…. by GS India Nursing!!