What is HMPV?
HMPV: Human metapneumovirus: Human metapneumovirus is a negative-sense single-stranded RNA virus of the family Pneumoviridae and is closely related to the Avian Metapneumoavirus. HMPV is a common respiratory virus that causes an upper respiratory infection (like a cold). HMPV is common – so common that most people will be Infected while they are still children and may experience several infections in their lifetimes. In countries with months of cold weather HMPV can have an annual season, much like the flu , while in place closer to the Equator it circulates at lower levels all year long. In recently, the HMPV virus has been diagnosed in China. Recently, some cases of HMP virus are seen in India. The first case of HMPV virus is seen in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. Nowadays the HMPV virus is spreading in India in many states and cities like Nagpur (Maharashtra), Bengaluru (Karnataka), Tamilnadu and Ahmedabad in Gujarat.

HMPV is similar to a virus that is better known in the United States – respiratory syncytial virus, or R S. C. It causes symptoms much like those associated with flu and Covid, including cough, fever, nasal congestion and wheezing.
Most HMPV infections are mild resembling bouts of the common cold. But severe cases can result in bronchitis or pneumonia, particularly among infants, older adults and immunocompromised people. Patients with pre-existing lungs conditions, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or emphysema, are at higher risk to severe outcomes.
Signs and Symptoms of HMPV
Signs and Symptoms of HMPV:
Human Metapneumoavirus (HMPV) is a respiratory virus that typically causes mild symptoms similar to the common cold.
Fever, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, runny nose, and shortness of breath.
In severe cases, HMPV can lead to pneumonia or bronchitis, which may require hospitalization and oxygen therapy.
Management (to protect yourself) :
Preventive measures include practicing hygiene, frequent handwashing, avoidance of the close contact with sick persons and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces. No antiviral treatment especially for HMPV exists. Supportive care like hydration and fever management helps to improve symptoms and fever reducers, antihistamines, breathing treatment and other means of providing comfort to the patient until the illness resolves.
• Wash your hand often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
• Avoid close contact with people who are sick
• Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing
• Avoid sharing cups and eating utensils with others
• Stay at home when sick.
Some other questions people asked frequently are given below:
What is the treatment for hMPV?
Ans: As the Director General of Health Services of the Union Health Ministry, Dr Atul Goel said: common cold or fever medications are generally used to treat mild cases.
How long does hMPV last for?
Ans: HMPV usually causes symptoms similar to the common cold that last roughly 2-5 days and go away on their own. Most children who get infected with hMPV are age 5 or younger. A small number of children (5-16%) infected will develop a lower respiratory tract infection such as pneumonia.
What is HMPV in India?
Ans: First case it is seen in Nagpur Maharashtra, and other some cases in karnatak, kerala etc. Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) is one of the many respiratory viruses that can cause infections in people of all ages particularly during the winter and early spring months. The virus infection is usually a mild and self-limiting condition and in most cases recover on its own.
How is HMPV diagnosed?
Ans: How is HMPV diagnosed? Diagnosing HMPV requires laboratory testing, as symptoms alone cannot distinguish it from other respiratory illnesses. The gold standard for HMPV testing is Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).
Is HMPV the common cold?
Ans. Most HMPV infections are mild, resembling bouts of the common cold. But severe cases can result in bronchitis or pneumonia, particularly among infants, older adults and immunocompromised people.
What is the best position to sleep in to clear your lungs?
Ans: Lying prone can also help your cough to be more effective. This helps with clearing out any secretions that are in your chest.
What stage of pneumonia is coughing?
Ans: Stage 2 – Red Hepatization – In the next few days after infection, pneumonia worsens. This stage comes with a cough that produces thicker and more copious
Does HMPV cause fever?
Ans: The clinical findings of hMPV infection were analyzed in 39 children in whom hMPV was the only virus detected (Table 4): 97% had a cough, 90% had rhinitis, and 72% had a fever. The median duration of symptomatic illness was 8 days.
How to cure a viral infection?
Ans: Viral infections can’t be treated with antibiotics. If you have a viral infection, your doctor may suggest: resting at home to allow your immune system to fight the virus. staying hydrated by drinking water or rehydrating fluids or icy poles.
What age does HMPV affect?
Ans: HMPV is more common in children, particularly those under the age of two. According to experts, 5-10% of paediatric cases may lead to hospitalisation due to acute lower respiratory tract infections.
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(Writer: Vandita Singh, Lucknow, India)