Staff Nurse and CHO Online Test Posted on January 7, 2025January 7, 2025 Welcome to your Staff Nurse and CHO Test As per the Glasgow coma scale which of the following score indicates COMA adult patient- 0 5 9 12 None Gradual decrease of baby temperature after death is called Mortis Algor mortis Rigor algor Rigor mortis None Gerontology is the study of- Germ growth Ageing Cell growth Genetic mutation None Which of the following symptoms is the indicator of imminent death? A weak, slow pulse Increase muscles tone Fixed, dilated pupils Slow, shallow respirations None Occupational disease "Farmer's lungs" is caused by: Silica Coal dust Asbestos Hay or grain dust None Hardness of water can be removed by adding- Magnesium chloride Calcium chloride Potasium paramagnet Sodium carbonate None Occupational disease caused by coal dust is Bagassosis Anthracosis Asbestosis Silicosis None ESI act passed into which year-- 1956 1975 1948 1946 None Major source of air pollution is --- Biogas Burning of wood Fossil fuels Cow drug cakes None Palliative surgery is done: To remove the disease To reduce the intensity of illness To improve self-concept To confirm the diagnosis None Permanent hardness of water can be removed by adding- Bleaching powder Washing Soda Chlorine Sodium carbonate None Which of the following gases is not part of greenhouse gases-- Oxygen Methane Nitrous oxide Carbon dioxide None Carpal tunnel Syndrome is a disorder of pregnancy affecting- Endocrine system Alimentary system Nervous system Calcium metabolism None While performing oral hygiene to the unconcious, which additional article should be kept in the mouth care tray? Disposable spatula Laryngoscope Artery forceps Mouth gag None The most common assessment for mentally ill patient is done by: Taking psychiatrist history Doing neurological examine Electroencephalography Mental status examination None A characteristic of infants young children who have experienced maternal deprivation is: Trendency towards overeating Responsiveness to stimuli Proneness to illness Extreme activity None Temporary discharge of the patient from the psychiatric hospital is referred as Parole Abscond Termination Escape None What are NOT the misconceptions related to mental health? Children do not experience mental health problems Mental problems do not affect health It is possible to prevent mental health illness People with mental health problems are violent and unpredictable None In working with patient, when he is the best time to prepare the patient for the termination phase? Pre interaction Orientation Termination phase Working None Drugs of choice induction of ovulation Danazol Levonorgestrel Ethinyl estradiol Clomiphene None Fern test is used to assess? Cancer cervix Pregnancy Menstruation Ovulation None Spinnbarkeit appearance of cervical mucus is a sign of- Menarche Ovulation Pregnancy Menstruation None The constant phase in a menstrual cycle is- Luteal phase Menstrual phase Proliferative phase Ovulation phase None A high concentration of estrogen in blood: Inhibits secretion of FSH Causes ovulation Stimulates lactation Is one cause of osteoporosis None Which gland is responsible for initiating the menstrual cycle Ovaries Hypothalamus Anterior pituitary Gland Posterior Pituitary Gland None None Time's upTime is Up! Post navigation Previous PostPrev Post HMPV, The virus spreading in China and India, Signs and Symptoms, ManagementNext PostNext Post Online MCQ Test For Staff Nurse, ANM, GNM, CHO Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ