Marasmus is a severe form of malnutrition and that consists of the chronic wasting of fat, muscles, and other tissues in the body. Marasmus is one of the most serious forms of the protein-energy-malnutrition (PEM) increased prior to age 1, whereas kwashiorkor occurrence increase after 18 months. Kwashiorkor is also called protein malnutrition (deficiency of protein).
Causes of marasmus:
- Deficiency of nutrients such as protein, carbohydrate, calories.
- Nutrients deficiency.
- Poor diet a nutrients rich balance diet is important for growth, especially in children.
- Insufficient breastfeeding,mother’s milk is rich in nutrients that help children grow
- It is an extremely severe type of Nutrition disorder in which there is significant wasting of fats muscles, and tissue of the body.
- Let marasmus of breast starvation young infants fed artificially.
Singh & Symptoms of marasmus:

- Sunken Eyes
- Thin and bony face
- Monkey like face
- Poor growth
- Ribs clearly visual through the skin
- Muscles wasting
- No edema
- Often diarrhoea
- Dry skin
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Chronic or persistent diarrhea
- A child with marasmus looks emaciated
- Loos skin folds hanging over glutei and axilla
- Axilla and growing of muscles wasting
- Drastic loss of adipose tissues from buttocks and thighs
Diagnosis of marasmus:
- Physical examination your body
- Family history
- Height & weight examination.
Prevention and treatment of marasmus:
It is necessary to treat not only the symptoms but also the complications of the disorder, including infection, dehydration and circulation disorders, which are frequently lethal and lead to high mortality if ignored. A Nutrition,well- balance diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, grains and protein will reduce the risks of malnutrition and any related marasmus. Special feeding and rehydration plan and close medical observation to prevent and manage complication of malnutrition. Include protein at rich meal such as meat fish, chicken, eggs, beans, or lentils. Includes dried skim milk powder mixed boiled water.
Health Education in Marasmus:
– Health Education in Marasmus: High protein and high energy diet is prescribed as a part of dietary. Marasmus involves proper feeding, rehydration and close medical observation to prevent and manage complications of malnutrition.
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