Q 1. When was the MTP Act made?(MTP एक्ट कब बना था?)
A. 1971
B. 1981
C. 1985
D. 1970
Q 2. When was the MTP Act implemented? (MTP एक्ट कब लागू किया गया था?)
A. 1985
B. 1991
C. 1972
D. 1971
Q3. When is Goodell’s sign seen? (गुडल्स साइन कब देखा जाता है?)
A. 12 – 15 week
B. 2 – 4 week
C. 16 – 18 week
D. 6 – 8 week
Q 4. Which chromosomal disorder is responsible for early miscarriage?(शुरुआती दिनों में गर्भपात हेतु कौन सा गुणसूत्र विकार उत्तरदाई होता है? )
A. Triploid
B. Tetraploid
C. Monosomy
D. Autosome
Q 5. In which type of placenta previa does a caesarean become necessary?(प्लेसेंटा प्रीविया के किस प्रकार में सिजेरियन करना अनिवार्य हो जाता है?)
A. 3
B. 1
C. 4
D. 2
Q 6. If the gestation period is 22 weeks, what will be the height of the uterus?(यदि गर्भकाल 22 सप्ताह का हो तो गर्भाशय की ऊंचाई कितनी होगी?)
A. 26cm
B. 22 cm
C. 20 cm
D. 24 cm
Q 7. Which process is most important for the delivery process? (प्रसव प्रक्रिया हेतु कौन सी प्रक्रिया सर्वाधिक महत्व रखती है?)
A. Engagement
B. Descent
C. Flexion
D. None
Q 8. What is the actual gestation period? (वास्तविक गर्भ काल का समय कितना होता है?)
A. 180 days
B. 220 days
C. 266 days
D. 280 days
Q 9. Which of the following is not characteristic of eclampsia? (निम्नलिखित में eclampsia की विशेषता नहीं है?)
A. Polyuria
B. Proteinuria
C. Weight gain
D. Hypertension
Q 10. The largest cell in the body is,(शरीर की सबसे बड़ी कोशिका है,)
A. Ovum
B. Stem cells
C. Renal cells
D. Nerve cells
Ans the above 👆 questions, below 👇
Ans 1. A. 1971 ,
Ans 2. C. 1972 ,
Ans 3. D. 6 – 8 week,
Ans 4. D. Autosome,
Ans 5. C. 4 ,
Ans 6. B. 22 cm ,
Ans 7. B. Descent,
Ans 8. C. 266 days,
Ans 9. A. Polyuria,
Ans 10. A. Ovum,
👉Some explanation,
Passing abnormally large amounts of urine.
Excessive urination can have causes that aren’t due to underlying disease. Examples include intake of large amounts of fluid and alcohol use.
ovum, plural ova, in human physiology, single cell released from either of the female reproductive organs, the ovaries, which is capable of developing into a new organism when fertilized (united) with a sperm cell.
Where is the ovum?
The ovaries produce the egg cells, called the ova or oocytes. The oocytes are then transported to the fallopian tube where fertilization by a sperm may occur. The fertilized egg then moves to the uterus, where the uterine lining has thickened in response to the normal hormones of the reproductive cycle.
Autosome: Explanation –
An autosome is any of the numbered chromosomes, as opposed to the sex chromosomes. Humans have 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes (the X and Y). Autosomes are numbered roughly in relation to their sizes.
What is the function of autosomes?
Autosomes differ from sex chromosomes, which make up the 23rd pair of chromosomes in all normal human cells and come in two forms, called X and Y. Autosomes control the inheritance of all an organism’s characteristics except the sex-linked ones, which are controlled by the sex chromosomes.
MTP: Medical Termination of Pregnancy-
Medical Termination of Pregnancy. MTP, which stands for Medical Termination of Pregnancy, is a procedure of terminating pregnancy using medicines. In the early stages of pregnancy (7-9 weeks), it can be terminated with the help of medicine, otherwise, the surgical process is needed.
Why MTP is done?
MTP is mainly done to get rid of unwanted pregnancies that arise out of casual unprotected sex or sometimes even failure of the contraceptives or even unfortunate incidents of rape. There are also other medical reasons when MTP is performed.