- Alopecia – baldness, falling of hairs.
- Addison’s Disease – a deficiency disease of adrenal cortex (lack of aldosterone and cortisol).
- Acidosis – decrease of alkali and increase in acid contents in bodily fluid.
- Abscess – a localised collection of pus.
- Akinesia– loss or impairment of voluntary movement, immobility.
- Actinomycosis – a fungal disease caused by actinomyces.
- Acrocyanosis – a condition occurring in Young women., in which there is persistent blueness of hands, feet, nose and ear.
- Abortifacient – a drug or agent including expulsion of a fetus.
- Adrenolytic – a substance that antagonises the action of adrenaline or noradrenaline.
- Akinetic – without movement.
- Amaenia – a deficiency of haemoglobin due to lack of red blood cells.
- Amenorrhoea – absence of menses, absence of menstrual flow during the time of life at which it should occur.
- Amnesia – partial or complete loss of memory.
- Anaerobic – relating to a bacteria having the power to live without air.
- Anaesthesia – a state characterized by loss of sensation.
- Anaesthetics – drugs and other measures which produce insensibility to external Impressions.
- Analgesia – loss of pain sensation, analgesic, drugs causing temporary loss of the sense.
- Anaphylaxis – A hypersensitive state of the body to a foreign protein.
- Angia pectoris – heart stroke, severe constricting pain on the chest due to ischaemia of the heart muscle. usually caused by coronary disease.
- Anginal pain – pain due to swellings of the throat or other cause of difficulty in breathing.
- Angiogenesis – an allergic disorder, characterized by the development of oedematous area of skin mucous membranes or vicera.
- Angio – oedema – Swelling of vessel.
- Ankylosing spondylitis – Arthritis of the spine ,resembling rheumatoid arthritis, immunobilizing of one or more vertebrae due to inflammation.
- Ankylosis – Stiffening or fixation of a joint.
- Anorexia – Loss of appetite for food, diminished appetite.
- Antacid – a substance that neutralizes acidity.
- Antagonist – something opposing or resisting the action of another.
- Anthrax – a very serious disease occurring in sheep and cattle and persons dealing them.
- Antiadrnergic – inhibiting, counteracting, or modifying adrenergic action.
- Antiamoebic – a drug or agent active in the treatment of infection with amoebas.
- Antibacterial – an agent that prevents or hinders the growth of or destroy bacteria.
- Antibiotic – an antibacterial agent derived from micro- organisms, such as penicillin, streptomycin etc.
- Anticoagulants – drugs which prevent coagulation of the blood.
- Anticonvulsant – a therapeutic agent that prevents or arrests convulsions.
- Antidepressant – any drug used for the treatment of depression.
- Antidote – Remedies which neutralize the effects of poisons.
- Antiemetic – preventing or arresting vomiting ,drug for controlling nausea and vomiting.
- Antiepileptic – suppressing or controlling epileptic seizures, anticonvulsant.
- Antifungal – any agent useful in treating infections caused by fungi, suppressing or destroying fungi, effective against infections by fungi.
- Antihistamic – relating to drugs which antagonize the action of histamine.
- Antihistamine – drugs which antagonize the action of histamine.
- Antihypertensive – Counteracting high blood pressure, an agent that reduces high blood pressure.
- Antihypotensive – drugs used to treat lower blood pressure.
- Antimetabolite – a group of drugs used to treat certain forms of malignant disease, agent which is a competitive inhibitor of a natural endogenous substance of enzyme.
- Antineoplastic – inhibiting the development of neoplasma.
- Antimuscarinic – drugs used to treat effects of a poisonous alkaloid obtained from certain mushrooms as “Amanita muscaria”.
- Antiparkinsonian -alleviating the symptoms of parkinsonism.
- Antipruritic – a medical agent that relieves or prevents itching.
- Antipsychotic – agents used to cure psycotic disorders.
- Antipyretic – drugs used to reduce temperature in fever.
- Antiseptic – drugs which prevent putrefaction.
- Antispasmodic – relieving or preventing convulsions or spasmodic pains.
- Antitussive – agents that prevents or relieve cough.
- Anxiety – a feeling of apprehension, worry, uneasiness, or dread especially of future.
- Aplasia – absence or defective development of a tissue or organ.
- Aplastic – incomplete development or structures as in aplastic anaemia.
- Arrhythmia -abnormal rhythm of the heart.
- Arthritis – inflammation of joint.
- Asepsis – absence of microorganism, prevention of sepsis.
- Asthma – breathing problem accompanied by wheezing caused by a spasm of the bronchial tube or by swelling of mucous membrances, Paroxysmal attack of difficulty in breathing.
- Atrophy – a decrease in size of an organ or tissue.
- Azospermia – absence of spermatozoa in the semen.
- Bactericide – an agent that destroys bacteria, but not necessarily their Spores.
- Bacteriostatic – relating to the growth of bacteria, a process of bringing bacteria by preventing their nourishment and growth.
- Blastomycosis – any disease caused by yeast like fungi, especially species of Blastomyces.
- Bronchospasm – temporary narrowing of the bronchi due to violent, involuntary construction of the smooth muscle of the bronchi.
- Bronchoconstrictor – any substance which decreases the caliber of the pulmonary air passages.
- Bronchodilator – an agent which dilates the bronchi.
- Bronchitis – inflammation of mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes.
- Bradypnea – Slow or laboured breathing.
- Bradycardia – slowness of the heart beat.
- Blood pressure – the pressure exerted by the blood on the vessel walls.
I hope that you liked these medical terminology.
Thanking you!!