Menstruation Cycle (MC), Menstrual Cycle phase, Menstrual Cycle Disorder

Menstruation Cycle (MC):

Menstruation Cycle (MC): The menstrual cycle is a natural process that involves changes in the body’s hormones and reproductive organs every month.

Menstrual Cycle phase: Menstrual cycle has four phases:

• Menstruation Phase

• Follicular Phase

• Ovulation Phase

• Luteal Phase

Menstruation Phase

Menstruation Phase: The first day of your period when the leaning of the uterus sets as blood this face lasts for 5 days.

Follicular Phase

Follicular Phase: this face usually occurs from day’s 1 to 14 of your cycle.

Ovulation Phase

Ovulation Phase: the release of a mature egg which usually occurs around day 14 of a 28 days cycle.

Luteal Phase

Luteal Phase: This phase occurs after evolution and before your period.

Menstrual Disorder

Menstrual Disorder
• Amenorrhea is the absence of  menstruation.
Primary amenorrhea : Woman has not begun
to menstruate till 16 years of age.
Secondary amenorrhea : Absence of menses for 6 months in a woman who previously had a regular menstrual cycle.
• Dysmenorrhoea is painful menstruation.
Menorrhagia : Excessive vaginal bleeding at normal intervals.
Metrorrhagia : Vaginal bleeding between menses Blessing may occur as spotting of outright bleeding.
Polymenorrhea : Cyclic bleeding where cycle length is reduced less than 21 days and remains constant at the frequency.
Hypomenorrhea : Scant bleeding lasts for less than 2 days.
Oligomenorrhea : Cyclic bleeding gear cycle length is increased two more than 35 days.

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Writer: (Vandita Singh, Lucknow)

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