In this article, we will understand detailed and accurate information about Nutritions, Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins and Minerals:
Q. What is Nutrition? Why is important to us?
Q. What is Carbohydrates? It’s functions & Examples:
Q. What is fat? & It’s functions & main sources:
Q. What is protein? It’s functions & main sources:
Q. What is Vitamins and Minerals? & it’s functions, it’s deficiency causes disease:
Nutrition in foods:
Q. What is Nutrition? Why is important to us?
The food we eat contains substances that are the necessary for our body. These substances are called nutrients. Nutrition diet give us energy to work and play. They help our body to grow. They also help our body to fight disease, infections and remain healthy. There are different types of the nutrients present in our food as- protein, Carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Our body needs all the nutrients.

Q. What is Carbohydrates? It’s functions & Examples:
Carbohydrates give us energy to work and play. So, foods rich in carbohydrates are called energy giving foods. Food such as bread, rice, candy, potato chips, potatoes, beans, starchy vegetables, milk, popcorn, cookies, soft drink, corn, cherry pie and idli are rich in carbohydrates. The most common and abundant forms are sugars, fibres and starches.
Q. What is fat? & It’s functions & main sources:
Like carbohydrates, fats are also energy giving foods. Food such as butter, ghee, oil and nuts are rich in fats. Extra fats get stored in the body so that they can be used later. That is why fats are also known as the energy Bank of the body. When in our body does not get enough food, it uses the energy from the stored fats. Fats also keep our body warm. So, people living in very cold place eat more fats. Our body requires only a small amount of fats. Eating too much fatty foods make the body obese and causes disease.
Q. What is protein? It’s functions & main sources:
Protein help us to grow and development of the body. So, food rich in protein are called body-building foods. Growing children needs more protein than adults. Protein deficiency causes kwashiorkor disease in children. Protein also help to repair (tissues) the damaged parts of the body. Milk and Milk products as cheese, curd and fish, eggs, meat, pulses are foods rich in proteins.
Vitamins and Minerals
Q. What is Vitamins and Minerals? & it’s functions, it’s deficiency causes disease:
Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients for our body. They protect our body from the disease, infections and keep us healthy. So, vitamins and minerals are called protective foods. There are various types of the vitamins and minerals. Our body needs small amounts of each of them to stay healthy. Calcium, Phosphorus, sodium, iron, potassium, Iodine are example of minerals. Calcium helps the body to build healthy bones and teeth. Iron helps the body to form blood. Iron prevents us from getting anaemia disease. Green leafy vegetables and fruits, milk, sprouted beans are some example of rich sources of the vitamins and minerals.
Some of the the important diseases caused due to deficiency of vitamins and minerals are-
Vitamin A ( Retinol)
vitamin A chemical name is retinol. Vitamin A is beneficial in treating eye disorder and skin infections. Vitamin A deficiency causes Night blindness, Xerophthalmia, Bitot’s spots & Keratomalacia etc. The source of vitamin A are yellow, red, green leafy vegetables such as spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes. Yellow fruits – Mango, Papaya, Oranges, Apricots and eggs, cheese, milk or dairy products & yoghurt, cod liver oil/ oily fish etc.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Vitamin B1 chemical name is thiamin. Vitamin B1 deficiency causes beriberi disease. Beriberi usually caused by poor diet or alcoholism. Symptoms are included weakness, loss of appetite, shortness of the breath, swollen feet. The source of Vitamin B1 are whole grains, nuts, peas, yeast, pulses, cauliflower, oranges, potatoes, potatoes etc.
Vitamin B2 ( Riboflavin)
Vitamin B2 chemical name is Riboflavin. Riboflavin deficiency is also known as a ariboflavinosis. Vitamin B2 deficiency causes angular stomatitis ( lesions at the corners of the mouth), Cheilosis (swollen, cracked lips), reproductive problems, hair losses, skin disorder ( itchy and red skin), hyperemia ( excess of blood) etc.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Vitamin B3 chemical name is is Niacin. Niacin (Vitamin B-3) deficiency causes blood disease. Pellagra is also known as 3Ds. 3Ds mean- Dermititis, Dementia & Diarrhoea. Pellagra include the triad of dermatitis, dementia and diarrhoea and can result in death. Niacin deficiency can occur through genetic disorders. The sources of the the vitamin B3 (Niacin) are Liver, Chicken meat, Fish, whole grains, wheat & barley, cheese, green leafy vegetables, pork, liver is one of the best natural source of the Vitamin B3 etc.
Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)
Vitamin B9 is also known as Folic acid or folacin. Folic acid (folacin) reduces risk of neural tube defects (NTD) during pregnancy.
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)
Vitamin B12 chemical name is Cyanocobalamin. Cobalt is found in Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). Vitamin B12 deficiency causes anaemia. Vitamin B12 deficiency causes pernicious anaemia and pernicious anaemia is also known as addison’s anaemia. Untreated pernicious anaemia can cause heart and in nerves damage.Vitamin B12 deficiency may lead to a reduction in the healthy red blood cells (anaemia). Cyanocobalamin provides relief from symptoms of anaemia kidney and liver disorders. Good sources of the vitamin B12 are fish ( tuna, salmon fish), meat, cheese & yogart, milk etc.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Vitamin C chemical name is ascorbic acid. Vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy, common cold, gums bleeding & week teeth. The main source of vitamin C are citrus fruit citrus fruit such as amla, oranges, Lemon, blackcurrants (200 mg/ 100 gm), peppers, broccoli, strawberry, tomatoes etc.
Vitamin-D (Calciferol)
Vitamin D chemical name is calciferol. Vitamin D deficiency causes rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. Vitamin D helps in treating arthritis, rickets, bone disorder etc. The main natural source of vitamin D is sunlight and other source of vitamin D are oily fish, red meat, liver, eggs yolks, cheese etc.
Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
Vitamin E is also known as tocopherol or alpha-tocopherol. Vitamin E is a most powerful antioxidant. Vitamin E also known as the beauty vitamin. It improves blood circulation and slow down aging process. The vitamin E deficiency is associated with thisdisease causes problems such as poor transmission of the nerve impulse and muscles weakness. Vitamin E deficiency causes crohn diseases, inferlity, certain rare genetic disease such as abetalipoproteinemia, gastrointestinal disease, dry hair or loss of hair, slow tissue healing leg cramps, hemolytic anaemia in children, increased risk of cardiovascular diseases etc. The main source of vitamin E are almonds, sunflower seeds, groundnut oil, soyabean oil, avocados, mango, oranges, lentils, broccoli, spinach, kiwi fruits, asparagus etc.
Vitamin K (Phylloquinon)
Vitamin K is also known as Phylloquinon & Naphthoquinon. Vitamin K reduce the risk of menstrual pain and internal bleeding. Vitamin K is essential for the blood clotting. The main source of the vitamin K are green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, colloard, avocado, broccoli, lettuce, cabbage, mustard greens, turnip greens, green grapes, green pears, cucumber, green beans kiwi and others food of vitamin E beef liver & liver products also.
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