Q1. Which drug therapy is used in leprosy? (कुष्ठ रोग में किस औषधि का प्रयोग किया जाता है?)
C. Chemotherapy
D. Quinine therapy
Q2. Who discovered polio vaccine (IPV)?, (पोलियो के टीके की खोज किसने की?)
A. Khurana
B. Pasteur
C. Sabin
D. Salk
Q3. One packed of oral contraceptive pills contain: (मौखिक गर्भनिरोधक गोलियों के एक पैक में शामिल हैं:)
A. 15 pills
B. 20 pills
C. 28 pills
D. 25 pills
Q4. New concept of PHC is- (पीएचसी की नई अवधारणा)
A. Equitable distribution
B. Vital statistics
C. Referral services
D. Family planning
Q5. Chemical use in Vaginal sponge is- (योनि स्पंज में रासायनिक उपयोग है)
A. Nonoxynol -9
B. Mifepristone
C. Progesterone
D. Estrogens
Above Questions are given Answer below:
Q1. Ans. B. MDT
Q2. Ans. D. Salk
Q4. Ans. A. Equitable distribution.
Q3. Ans. C. 28 pills
Q5. Ans. A. Nonoxynol-9.
Q1. Which drug therapy is used in leprosy?
Explanation: MDT (Multidrug Therapy) as the treatment of leprosy with only one Antileprosy drug will result in development of drug resistance to that drug. The combination of drugs used in the MDT depends on the classification of the disease. Rifampicin, the most important Antileprosy medicine, is included in the treatment of both types of Leprosy. For the treatment of patients with Multibacillary Leprosy, WHO recommends a combination of Rifampicin, Dapsone and clofazimine.
Q2. Who discovered polio vaccine(IPV) ?
Explanation: An inactivad (killed) polio vaccine (IPV) developed by Dr. Jonas Salk and first used in 1955.
Q3. One packed of oral contraceptive pills contain:
Explanation: (21 orals pills & 7 iron tabletes)// – Pill packs containing regular birth control pills have either 21 or 28 pills. Twenty-one-day pill packs contain 21 active pills. Twenty-eight-day pill packs contain 21 active pills and seven inactive (placebo) pills.
Q4. New concept of PHC ( primary health centre) –
Explanation: PHC is a whole-of-society approach to health that aims at ensuring the highest possible level of health and well-being and their equitable distribution by focusing on people’s needs and as early as possible along the continuum from health promotion and disease prevention to treatment, rehabilitation.
Q5. Chemical use in Vaginal sponge is-
Explanation: Nonoxynol-9, sometimes abbreviated as N-9, is an organic compound that is used as a surfactant. It is a member of the nonoxynol family of nonionic surfactants. N-9 and related compounds are ingredients in various cleaning and cosmetic products. It is widely used in contraceptives for its spermicidal properties. Nonoxynol-9, an ingredient in spermicide, may irritate sensitive genital tissues, especially if you use it several times a day. That irritation increases your risk for HIV and other STDs because it gives infections an easy pathway into your body. And some people are allergic to spermicide.
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