Q1. Total lung capacity in a newborn is- (नवजात शिशु में फेफड़ों की कुल क्षमता होती है-)
A. 350
B. 500
C. 150
D. 200
Q2. Whooping cough is also known as- (काली खांसी को के रूप में भी जाना जाता है)
A. Pertusis
B. Asthma
C. Mumps
D. Diphtheria
Q3. Circumcision is used for the treatment of- (खतना किसके उपचार के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है)
A. Epispadia
B. Hypospadia
C. Cleft palate
D. Phimosis
Q4. DPT vaccine is stored in- (DPT वैक्सीन में संग्रहित किया जाता है
A. 20°C
B. 4-8°C
C. 0°C
D. – 20°C
Q5. The most common cause of neonatal death is- (नवजात मृत्यु का सबसे आम कारण है-)
A. Diarrhea
B. Septicemia
C. Jaundice
D. Hypothermia
Q6. A nurse recommend parents the vericella (chikenpox) vaccination for children at risk for contracting it and how are about to receive (एक नर्स माता-पिता को यह सलाह देती है कि वेरीसेला (चिकनपॉक्स) टीकाकरण के जोखिम वाले बच्चों के लिए टीकाकरण और कैसे प्राप्त करने वाले हैं)
A. Insulin
B. Steroid
C. Antibiotic.
D. Anticonvulsants
Q7. Intestinal fever is also termed as- (आंतों के बुखार को के रूप में भी जाना जाता है-)
A. Chiken pox
B. Pertusis
C. Diphtheria
D. Typhoid
Q8. When the neck of the child is flexed passively the flexion of knees occur. This represent- (जब बच्चे की गर्दन निष्क्रिय रूप से मुड़ी होती है तो घुटनों का लचीलापन होता है। यह प्रतिनिधित्व करता है-)
A. Chadwik’s sign
B. Kerning’s sign
C. Hegar’s sign
D. Brudzinski sign
Q9. The refrence of protein is- (प्रोटीन का संदर्भ है-)
A. Lemon
B. Rice
C. Egg
D. Fish
Q10. Vitamin C is also known as- (विटामिन सी के रूप में भी जाना जाता है-)
A. Ascorbic acid
B. Thiamine
C. Scurvy
D. Retinol
Above Questions are given Answer below –
Q1. C. 150
Q2. A. Purtusis
Q3. D. Phimosis
Q4. B. 4-8°C
Q5. D. Septicemia
Q6. B. Steroid
Q7. D. Typhoid
Q8. D. Brudzinski sign
Q9. C. Egg
Q10. Ascorbic acid
Explanation above Questions:
Pertussis mean:// Whooping cough
Pertussis, a respiratory illness commonly known as whooping cough, is a very contagious disease caused by a type of bacteria called Bordetella pertussis. These bacteria attach to the cilia (tiny, hair-like extensions) that line part of the upper respiratory system.
Phimosis mean:
Phimosis mean: A condition in which tight foreskin can’t be pulled back over the head of the penis. Tight foreskin is normal in an uncircumcised child. It often goes away over time with regular, gentle retraction.
Septicemia mean-
Septicemia mean: Bacterial infections are the most common cause of sepsis. However, sepsis can also be caused by fungi, parasites or viruses. The infection can be located in any of a number of places throughout the body.
Brudzinski’s sign–
Brudzinski’s sign mean: One of the physically demonstrable symptoms of meningitis is Brudzinski’s sign. Severe neck stiffness causes a patient’s hips and knees to flex when the neck is flexed.
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