Fungistatic – having an inhibiting action upon the growth of fungi.
Fungicide – any substance that has a destructive action upon fungi.
Falciparum malaria – a severe form of Malaria caused by “plasmodium falciparum” characterized by pyroxysms occurring at irregular intervals.
Frostbite – the condition resulting from the action of extreme cold; frostnip.
Fragility – brittleness.
Flatulence – a collection of gas in the stomach or intestine.
Filaria – parasitic, thread like worm causing elephantiasis.
Fibrosis – an increment in fibrous connective tissues.
Gynaecomastia – excessive development of male mammary glands.
Granulomatosis – a disease characterized by multiple granulomas.
Granulocytic – are white blood cell whose cytoplasm contains granules.
Granuloma – a tumour formed of granulation tissue.
Glaucoma – a disease of eye after the age of 50 years.
Glomerular – relating to a compact cluster, as of capillary blood vessels; a cyme condensed into a headlike cluster.
Glossitis – inflammation of tongue.
Gluconeogenesis – formation of glycogen from noncarbohydrate sources such as amino acid are fatty acid.
Glycosuria – the urinary excretion of carbohydrates.
Glucosuria – the urinary excretion of glucose.
Goitre – enlargement of thyroid gland.
Gonorrhoea – an inflammatory disease affecting the mucous membrane of urethra in males and that of vagina in the female.
Gout – a constitutional disorder connected with excess of uric acid in the blood and inflammation of joints and morbid changes in organs.
Gametocyticide – agents affecting gamete producing cells.
Gangrene – death of a part of the body; of necrosis or death of tissue usually due to deficient or absence of blood supply.
Gastric – relating to stomach.
Gustritis – inflammation of the stomach.
Gastroenteritis – inflammation of the mucous membrane of both stomach and intestine.
Germicidal – a substance that destroys germs.
Germicide – an agent which is destructive to germs or microbes.
Hallucination – errors in perception, affecting some sense organs.
Haemostatic – arresting the flow of blood within the vessels; arresting hemorrhage.
Haemostasis – arrest of bleeding.
Haemorrhoids – it consist of a vericose and ofter inflammed condition of the veins about the lower end of the bowel.
Haemorrhage – escape of blood from the vessels which naturally contain it; bleeding.
Haemolysis – disintegration of elements in the blood.
Haematuria – blood in the urine.
Haematopoiesis – the process of formation of development of various types of blood cells.
Haematological – branch of Medical Science devoted to the study of diseases of the blood.
Haematoma – a swelling filled with blood.
Hypoxia – diminished amount of oxygen in tissues.
Hypothyroidism – a condition due to deminution or absence of the secretion of the thyroid hormones.
Hypothermia – fall in the body temperature.
Hypotensive – denoting low blood pressure, unusual low blood pressure.
Hypotension – low arterial blood pressure.
Hypoprothrombinaemia – deficiency of prothrombin in the blood which retards its clotting ability.
Hypoproteinemia – decrease in amount of protein in blood.
Hypoplasia – excessive smallness of an organ or part, arising from imperfect development; excessive formation of cells.
Hypomagnesaemia – abnormally low level of magnesium in the blood.
Hypokalaemia – the presence of an abnormally small concentration of potassium ions in the circulating blood.
Hypogonadal – inadequate gonadal function; defective internal scerections of gonads.
Hypoglycaemia – an abnormally high concentration of glucose in the circulating blood.
Hypochloremia – a condition of blood in which its content of calcium is below normal.
Hypocalaemia – abnormally low levels of calcium in the circulating blood; low concentration of calcium.
Hypnotics – measures including drugs which produce sleep.
Hyperventilation – abnormally rapid, deep breathing; overbreathing usually due to anxiety.
Hyperuricaemia – abnormal amount of uric acid in the blood.
Hay fever – an allergic condition of the mucous membrane of the eye, nose and ear passages.
Hematopoietic – a process relating to the formation of blood cells.
Hemeralopia – dry blindness.
Hemolytic – the condition caused by the destruction of red blood cells and the resultant escape of haemoglobin.
Hepatic – relating to liver.
Hepatitis – inflammation of the liver.
Hepatotoxicity – liver toxicity.
Hypercalcaemia – abnormally low levels of calcium in the circulating blood.
Hyperglycaemic – relating to abnormally high concentration of glucose in circulating blood.
Hyperglycaemic – relating to abnormally high concentration of glucose in circulating blood.
Hyperglycemia – a hereditary metabolic disorder, reported only in males, resulting in an abnormally high glycine levels in the blood.
Hyperkinesis – excessive motility, excessive muscular activity,
Hyperpyrexia – and excessive degree of fever.
Hypersensitive – abnormal sensitivity to a stimulus of any kind.
Hypertensive – rise in blood pressure.
Hyperthyroidism – excessive activity of thyroid gland.
Hypertonic – having a greater degree of tension.
Immunosuppressant – agent suppressing immunity.
Impairment – loss of function or activity.
Impotence – inability to perform the sexual act.
Inanimate – not alive.
Indomethacin – a drug used in the treatment of Gout and rheumatoid arthritis.
Infection – multiplication of microorganisms in the body.
Infertility – failure to reproduce.
Inflammation – reaction of living tissue to injury, infection or irritation, characterized by pain, swelling, redness and heat.
Influenza – an acute viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, characterized by a sudden onset of fever, aches and pains.
Ingestion – administration into stomach by oral route.
Insecticide – an agent used to kill insects.
Insomnia – wakefulness: inability to sleep.
Intoxication – poisoning.
Intracranial – structures and diseases contained or rising within the head.
Intraocular – within the eyeball.
Iritis – inflammation of iris.
Ischaemia – reduced blood supply.
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