What is the duration of the first stage of labor in multigravida? (मल्टीग्रेविडा में प्रसव की प्रथम अवस्था की अवधि कितनी होती है?), At what age does urine start to form in the foetus during intrauterine life?, In which trimester the problem of morning sickness is seen in women during pregnancy?),

Q1. At what age does urine start to form in the foetus during intrauterine life? (इंट्रायूटरिन लाइफ के दौरान भ्रूण

Continue readingWhat is the duration of the first stage of labor in multigravida? (मल्टीग्रेविडा में प्रसव की प्रथम अवस्था की अवधि कितनी होती है?), At what age does urine start to form in the foetus during intrauterine life?, In which trimester the problem of morning sickness is seen in women during pregnancy?),

Thyroid Gland, Thyroxine Harmone, T3 Harmone, T4 Harmone & Calcitonin Harmone, Grave’s Disease & Hashimoto’s Disease causes… by GS India Nursing

Thyroid Gland & Produces Harmones The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland that is located low on the in front

Continue readingThyroid Gland, Thyroxine Harmone, T3 Harmone, T4 Harmone & Calcitonin Harmone, Grave’s Disease & Hashimoto’s Disease causes… by GS India Nursing

Medical/Nursing/abbreviations/ Full Forms List🩺

To get the complete knowledge of each term . The related abbreviations help to understand the medical better. During a surgery, and a team of doctors can discuss these effectively without using the full forms. Take, for example, ECG. Have you ever used the long-form, or do you know about it? Everyone uses ECG but very few know that it stands for an echocardiogram. The Objective of Using The Medical Full Forms ,Since we know the term and meaning of ‘medical’, it will give people a comprehensive understanding of the different terms. Here are the ten most commonly used medical abbreviations .

Continue readingMedical/Nursing/abbreviations/ Full Forms List🩺

Our Nervous system- Spinal cord & Nerves Brain and Brain parts – Cerebrum, Cerebellum & Medulla oblongata & theirs functions. (by GS India Nursing)

The Nervous system controls all the function of our body such as working, breathing, playing, remembering names and lessons, statical data, eating and digesting food & driving and talking.

Continue readingOur Nervous system- Spinal cord & Nerves Brain and Brain parts – Cerebrum, Cerebellum & Medulla oblongata & theirs functions. (by GS India Nursing)