Q1. One tea spoon contains?
A. 20 ml
B. 15 ml
C. 10 ml
D. 5 ml
Q2. Pals polio programme in India was launched in the year?
A. 1995
B. 1985
C. 1975
D. 1965
Q3. Inculcating loop is sterilized by?
A. Hot air oven
B. Autoclave
C. Flaming
D. Radiation
Q4. Widal test is used for the diagnosis of?
A. Enteric fever
B. Malaria
C. Cholera
D. Plague
Q5. What is the importance related with serpentine?
A. Hypertension
B. Diabetes
C. Cancer
D. Obesity
Q6. What are all enzymes made up of?
A. Protein
B. Fat
C. Carbohydrate
D. Minerals
Q7. What is the fungus that yields penicillin?
A. Alpine
B. Yeast
C. Penicillium
D. Cinchona
Q8. The chemical action of saliva is due to?
A. Prolactin
B. Pepsin
C. Rennin
D. Ptyalin
Q9. Which gas is evolved during photosynthesis?
A. Oxygen
B. Nitrogen
C. Carbon dioxide
D. None of these
Q10. What is the chief food factor contained in cereals?
A. Glucose
B. Sugar
C. Starch
D. Glycogen
Q11. All of the following are signs of anaemia in a patient except?
A. Yellow Ness of the skin
B. Tachycardia
C. Dsypnea or exertion
D. Lethargy
Q12. In case of delay in transportation of Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) simple, it should be?
A. Kept at room temperature
B. Refrigerated at 4°C
C. Kept at–20°C
D. Kept in ice bucket
Q13. Branch of medical that study of blood is?
A. Entomology
B. Osteology
C. Cardiology
D. Haematology
Q14. Secretion of liver is known as?
A. Insulin
B. Sebum
C. Thyroxin
D. Bile
Q15. The first case of AIDS was reported in the united state in?
A. 1970
B. 1980
C. 1981
D. 1982
Q16. World tuberculosis day celebrated on?
A. June 5
B. May 8
C. April 7
D. March 24
Q17. Name of the male sex hormone secreted by adrenal gland?
A. Oestrogen
B. Androgen
C. Progesterone
D. Algae
Q18. Which vegetable is avoided to control stone in the kidney?
A. Tomato
B. Cabbage
C. Beans
D. Green leafy vegetables
Q19. Census in India is taken once in every years?
A. 5 years
B. 7 years
C. 10 years
D. 15 years
Q20. Give the scientific name of the pathogen causing diphtheria?
A. A.S. typhi
B. B.C. dephtheria
C. B. Pertussis
D. M. Laprae
👉The answers to the above given optional questions are given below:
Q1.Ans- D. 5 ml
Q2.Ans- A. 1995
Q3. C. Flaming
Q4. A. Enteric fever
Q5. A. Hypertension
Q6. A. Protein
Q7. C. Penicillium
Q8. D. Ptyalin
Q9. A. Oxygen
Q10. C. Starch
Q11. A. Yellow Ness of the skin
Q12. A. Kept at room temperature
Q13. D. Haematology
Q14. D. Bile
Q15. C. 1981
Q16. D. March 24
Q17. B. Androgen
Q18. A. Tomato
Q19. C. 10 years
Q20. B. B.C. dephtheria
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By GS India Nursing……….!!