Nursing Officers SGPGI Exams, RML, DSSSB, ESIC UPSC Nursing Officers Exams MCQ Test Series

Q1.Taste perception of a baby develop at:
A. 9 months
B. 12 months
C. 3 months
D. Birth

Q2. A child likes to look at self in a mirror at age of……….. months:
A. 4 months
B. 6 months
C. 1 month
D. 2 months

Q3.The premature closure of the sagital suture is called:
A. Anencephaly
B. Scaphocephaly
C. Oxycephaly
D. Acrocephaly

Q4.Growth chart is also known as:
A. GCS score
B. Road to health chart
C. Apgar score
D. New Ballard scale

Q5.Psychosocial development of children was proposed by:
A. Piaget
B. Sigmund Freud
C. Kohlberg
D. Erikson

Q6.Signs and symptoms of Hypothermia are all; Except:
A. Apnea
B. Central cynosis
C. Poor feeding
D. Cool extremities

Q7.Antenatal smoking by the pregnant women may lead to:
A. Acromegaly
B. Low birth weight
C. Macrosomia
D. Coarctation

Q8.Which is the best solid food that can be used during the process of weaning?
A. Egg White
B. Rice cereals
C. Vegetables
D. Fruits

Q9.The most common complication in low birth weight infant is:
A. Hemorrhage
B. Respiratory distress
C. Mucus damage
D. Brain damage

Q10.Breast milk storage in a refrigerator is up to:
A. 24 hours
B. 8 hours
C. 12 hours
D. 4 hours

Q11.Breastfeeding is contraindicated in:
A. Typhoid
B. Tuberculosis
C. Hepatitis C
D. Cardiomyopathy

Q12.The nurse would expect to find in newborn with birth asphyxia:
A. Ketosis
B. Hypocapnea
C. Hyperoxia
D. Acidosis

Q13.Expressed breast milk can be stored at room temperature for how many hours:
A. 8
B. 16
C. 4
D. 24

Q14.Which vaccine is contraindicated in child with history of convulsions?
C. Typhoid
D. Measles

Q15.Which vaccine Stored at the Freezer compartment of refrigerator?
B. Hepatitis B vaccine
C. DTwP-hepatitis B-Hib (pentavalent)

The answers to the above MCQ questions are given below

Q1.Ans.**D. Birth

**Your baby’s sense of taste starts developing in the womb. By the time you’re 9 weeks pregnant, their mouth and tongue have formed, along with their first tiny taste buds.

Q2.Ans.**B. 6 months

**Older infant (6 to 18 months) – smiles at own reflection in mirror or makes sounds when looking at image in the mirror. Toddler (15 to 36 months) – shows recognition of self while looking in mirror and touching nose, head or some other body part that toddler can see only with a mirror.

Q3.Ans.**B. Scaphocephaly

**Scaphocephaly is an early closure or fusion of the sagittal suture. This suture runs front to back, down the middle of the top of the head. This fusion causes a long, narrow skull.

Q4.Ans.**B. Road to health chart

**Road to health chart: also known as a Growth chart. Modified by: World Health Organization (WHO).

Q5.Ans.**D. Erikson

**Psychosexual Development — Sigmund Freud
**Cognitive development — Paget’s
**Moral Development — Kohlberg

Q6.Ans.**B. Central cynosis

**Hypothermia is a condition involving a low body temperature, usually below 95°F (35°C). Shivering, pale skin, unclear speech, and a fast heart rate can be signs of hypothermia.

Q7.Ans.**B. Low birth weight

**Smoking during pregnancy – effects on your unborn baby reduced oxygen supply and nutrients due to carbon monoxide and nicotine in tobacco smoke. slower growth and development. increased risk of birth defects such as cleft lip and cleft palate.

Q8.Ans.**B. Rice cereals

Q9.Ans.**B. Respiratory distress

Q10.Ans.**A. 24 hours

Q11.Ans.**C. Hepatitis C

**Contraindications to Breastfeeding**
–Mother using an illicit drug. lymphotropic virus type I or type II or Ebola virus infection, infants with classic galactosemia, maple syrup urine disease, and phenylketonuria. brucellosis and when she is on medications like anticancer or radioactive compounds.

**Recent studies:: There is no documented evidence that breastfeeding spreads HCV. Therefore, having HCV-infection is not a contraindication to breastfeed. Hepatitis C is not spread by sharing eating utensils, breastfeeding, hugging, kissing, holding hands, coughing, or sneezing.

**Note-The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) recommend that all people with hepatitis B should be encouraged to breastfeed their newborns.

Q12.Ans.**D. Acidosis

**Acidosis:: A build-up of acid in the bloodstream or body fluids.

**Symptoms of asphyxia at the time of birth may include: Not breathing or very weak breathing. Skin color that is bluish, gray, or lighter than normal, Low heart rate.

**Newborns with asphyxia may show signs of injury to one or more organ systems, including the following: Heart: Poor color, low blood pressure. Lungs: Difficulty breathing and low oxygen levels. Brain: Lethargy, seizures, or even coma.

Q13.Ans.**C. 4

**Freshly expressed or pumped milk can be stored: At room temperature (77°F or colder) for up to 4 hours.

Q14.Ans.**B. DPT

**It is known that infants and young children who have had febrile or non-febrile convulsions are more likely to have convulsions after pertussis vaccine.

Q15.Ans.**D. OPV

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(By GS India Nursing Academy, Lucknow)

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